Chapter 51

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"I really can't believe you did that," Maya said, obviously angry into the phone. "I'm so sorry I did that to you, but Serge and I broke up because of you. That was cold." I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"No, what was really cold was when you tried to ruin Blake and I's relationship by telling him." I fired into the phone, not wanting to put up with this shit right now. I had just woken up, by Maya's call may I add, and it was way too early to deal with her. "Maya, we were fine, we were doing great and we were getting close... Why would you do that?" Blake wasn't in the bed, which meant he was either at the gym or somewhere on the beach or on the basketball court which was out backyard.

"I don't know, Morgan," Maya admitted, sighing into the phone. "Something just... I don't know. I feel like a bitch. I am a bitch."

"You got that right," I interrupted, rolling my eyes.

"Look, Morgan, I love you. I never stopped," she said. "But I just had too let the cat out of the bag, I have a big mouth, I am sorry. I just do not like you and Blake together."

"I thought we were over that!" I cut her off. "You've been fine with us for all this time, why is this suddenly coming back up!" I felt the anger bubbling inside me. I loved Maya. She was my best friend. But I couldn't go on with her trying to break Blake and I up. They always say "hoes before bros" but Blake meant the world to me and if Maya was going to sabotage that then maybe our friendship needed to be put on hold.

"It's not 'coming back up', Morgan," Maya corrected me, with a more snappy tone. "It's always been here. I just chose to ignore it. Until now. I saw an opportunity and I took it. I'm not sorry. I can't see you and Blake together anymore." I didn't say anything and she didn't say anything either. I didn't want her too. I didn't want to hear her voice. I didn't want to hear anything. The fact of the matter was my life was being split in two once again. It hurt. "Haven't you seen that Blake has changed you? How can you be blind to this?" I kept quiet. I didn't say anything. I waited a few minutes before I responded.

"I'm not blind," I said, defending myself, but feeling like there was nothing left to fight for. "I can tell I've changed, but I thought I changed for the better." Maya snorted and laughed.

"You've got to be shitting me. For the better? Fuck no," she said, laughing. Her mocking voice was no match for my emotions. I felt the tears fall down my face, and wiped them away before hanging up the phone. I tossed my phone over the bed and it hit the plush carpet.

This was happening all over again, when I promised myself I wouldn't let it happen. I wouldn't let Maya get to me and Blake and I thought it was changing. She was splitting me in half and making me choose. She was making me choose her or Blake, and I tried to get along with both, but I could see that would never work.

That hurt.

Thank you guys so much for everything, honestly. It's been amazing and I thoroughly enjoy writing this story. It's been better than any story I have written before. I am currently writing Chapter 65, so I am a bit ahead, but thank you for 18.1k and all the votes have been awesome! I love you guys so much and thanks for the participation throughout the story.:)

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