Chapter 97

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"I can't believe you left without telling Blake, Morgan, he's going to be so pissed," Maya grimaced as she yelled over the roar of the wind in the convertible.

"Fuck him," I yelled back. Maya smiled at my anger and crept off the nearest exit. The landscape around us was turning more like the desert, and I noticed less and less Palm trees. There was a nice gas station and eatery inside. I took my purse and phone and went inside with Candace and Skylar inside to grab some food. I went to the restaurant, and ordered some takeout, as I sat at the bar waiting for it.

"You Los Angeles girls crack me up," I heard a deep voice say behind me. I turned around to see piercing blue eyes staring into my brown ones. Woah. This guy was beautiful, gorgeous. His scruff accented his face perfectly, and his impeccable jawline stood out to me completely. He was sipping on a Corona bottle. He looked rough, with a leather jacket, boots, but expensive boots and dark wash jeans. His hair was gelled up, and he gave me a soft smile, showing off his straight, pearly whites.

"Excuse me?" I asked him, giving him a smile to let him know I wasn't being rude, in case what he meant was a compliment. He took another long, drawing sip, and raised his cup to me.

"You girls walk in here and I could automatically tell you were some LA women. Kinda obvious actually," he smiled and his eyes that sent me into a hypnotic daze met mine again. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

I racked my brain. Should I tell him who I was? "No," I answered, giving him a smile. He narrowed his eyes to me and outstretched his hand.

"Mark," he told me, as I took his hand and shook it.

"Morgan," I offered back.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said taking a long drawing sip, his gaze not leaving mine. Was he trying to seduce me? Was he complimenting me? He was beautifully gruff. I laughed and rolled my eyes, rubbing my tongue at the bottom of my top teeth. "Sorry, too forward, too soon?"

"It's fine," I reassured him, "thank you."

"Would you like a sip?" He offered me the bottle of Corona.

"Yes, please," I smiled and took the cold bottle from him, taking a long, drawing sip keeping his gaze on mine. I brought the bottle back down, and bit my lip, smiling at him and handing it back. I noticed he was just staring at me in complete and utter awe. "What?" I asked him, giggling. Jesus... He was so damn sexy.

"You're... uh," he was at loss for words, "I don't even know what to say, you're the only girl I've ever met I've been nervous to talk too. Would you like a drink?" I saw my food was almost done and I turned to him.

"Little early for a drink, don't you think?" I asked him, as the lady handed me my food in a bag to go. "It was wonderful to meet you, I gotta run. Bye, Mark."

"Bye, Morgan," he opened his mouth to say something else but I turned away to see Skylar and Candace waiting for me near the door. They were both smiling at me when I approached them. I was trying so hard not to smile. It was probably good that my food came out, so I didn't do anything I would regret.

"Wow, Morgan," Skylar commented, winking at me, "I didn't know you were into the white guys now." I rolled my eyes as Candace and I walked out of the door, and Skylar waited for Maya to come out of the bathroom. I checked my phone to see 45 messages from Blake and thirteen missed calls and FaceTimes.

"Shit," I cursed. DJ and Chris had also tried and contacted me, along with Matt.

"Blake?" Candace asked me, and I nodded. "You should call him Morgan, he's probably worried sick." I groaned and called Blake.

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