Chapter 123

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"I ran away," Hannah repeated for the fifth time. She wasn't really cooperating with what I had to ask.

Blake, her and I sat at the dining table, while everyone else, including DJ (on our couch, may I add) was asleep. "But why? And I know you know what I'm asking," I said, sternly. Blake sent me a glare to warn me to correct my tone. Blake believed Hannah was doing or had done anything wrong. Running away was an offense and could come with many consequences, was my take on the situation. Hannah's new caretaker was probably worried sick about her. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to if Blake thought a nine year old running away outside the second biggest city in the U.S. was okay, what else would he think was okay for our future children?

Hannah stood out of the chair and turned her back to a calm Blake and an angry Morgan. She lifted her shirt and I could see the red marks on her back, and what looked like cuts. Blake inhaled loudly, as my fingertips met my agape lips. She turned back around to face us. "Why? Because she comes home late every night. She isn't like herself. She hits me with a stick."

"Oh my god," Blake muttered under his breath, pulling Hannah into his lap and cradling her. Blake wrapped his buff arms around her protectively, giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Hannah," I began, shaking my head. She turned so I could see her big doe eyes. "That's not a reason to run away from home..."

"The hell is isn't," Blake commented back at me. Papa Bear Blake was coming out, which I couldn't decide wether I was pleased about or I was irritated by. "Come on, Hannah, you must be tired." She looked at Blake and nodded, as he carried her frail body up to what I assumed was the bedroom next to ours. I couldn't decided whether what I said was appropriate or far-fetched for such a small girl. The house was silent except for the constant ticking of the clock in the kitchen.

I needed to get ahold of Tom somehow. What had actually happened to Kelly? I heard Blake coming back down the stairs. He appeared back into the dining room table as I was slumped over it.

"Babe," Blake began, "she had every right to runaway..."

I cut Blake off before he said anything else. "No, no, Blake. I don't want my kid to grow up like me and run away from all of her problems like I did. She's running. That's wrong."

Blake shook his head. "Morgan, she's nine years old. What else was she supposed to do? She was getting hit!"

"I suppose you're right," I admitted, standing up. "What a great anniversary present." I didn't mean for my comment to come out negative, but it did. Blake gazed at the clock on the oven, to see it was seven minutes past midnight. I walked past him and headed for the stairwell.

"Happy anniversary!" Blake called to me, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Happy anniversary," I mumbled back.


"Where's Blake?" Chris asked me, as he and Matt appeared into the kitchen, as I was putting pancakes on the griddle.

"I dunno," I mumbled back, flipping four pancakes. Matt and Chris took a seat at the bar, glaring at me.

"Uh oh," Matt grumbled, "What happened?"

I took a deep breath deciding whether I should tell Matt and Chris about what happened last night. Blake didn't have a problem with me, but I was just being petty on our anniversary. I had to get over my attitude, I didn't want our one year to be miserable all because of me and my past. Matt and Chris were my best friends after all, so surely I could tell them. "Blake is with Hannah right now," I told them, placing the pancakes on a plate, and adding more circles of batter onto the griddle. "She showed up to our door last night unexpectedly, she ran away from her godmother's home. Blake thinks it's okay." I huffed and flipped the pancakes.

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