Chapter 116

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"Hello?" My voice chimed into the phone, as I bounced the basketball next to me, on our outdoor court. I was trying not to breathe hard into the phone, but my new workout plan right before the season was killing me.

"Hey, Morgan, it's Kevin," I heard the familiar voice say into the phone piece. He must have heard the basketball and my heavy breathing, because he added, "Sorry, is this a bad time? Getting ready for the season? One more week." I smiled at how he knew when it was starting. I knew he had dated Monica Wright, and he was into women's basketball, which really made me happy. All of the NBA men seemed to like it.

"I know, I'm so excited. But right now is fine, it's all okay," I told him, trying to slow my breathing down.

"Can we meet somewhere and talk?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrows. I wondered what he wanted to talk about. "Are you in LA?"

"Yeah, I'm home..." I trailed off, "you can stop by if you want, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine," He told me, "I'll be there in twenty." He hung up the phone and I stared at the phone screen. What was going on? I knew it had something to do with Russell. Mister Drama Queen. I didn't know how Kevin was still feeling about Serge's accident and I was sure he was still mourning. I shot a ball from outside the three point arch and it went right in. The ball made contact with the ground and I smirked and turned away from the court to go put a shirt and some presentable pants on. I marched up the stairs and threw on some clothes, made sure the dogs were okay upstairs, before heading back down. Blake must have been downstairs somewhere or out with DJ or Chris or Matt. These were the rare times when I had no clue where he was. I decided to shoot him a text and ask where he was. He texted me back within seconds saying he was at the grocery store with all three of the guys. What was up with him? Why was he eating so much more now? I noticed his abs were slowly disappearing little by little. I wasn't letting that happen. But I wasn't worried, Blake was going to get back on his grind. And if that meant dragging him to the gym with me, so be it. However, I was excited for the season to begin, it was so close I could almost feel it. This is what I lived for. I couldn't wait to be back on the court. Blake seemed more excited for my season than I was. After a long year of much drama, I was excited to get back on the court, show everyone that I was improving, and I was going for first an MVP and then a ring on my finger, that wasn't Blake's. My game had been on point at the practices lately, and I had been working hard to get here. I had managed to shed off fifteen pounds of fat, no thanks to eating out all the time, and my muscle mass was growing like crazy. My abs were back in full bloom, and my thighs rippled in muscle. I was very pleased with my body in time for the season. Finally, everything seemed to be coming in place. Minus the fact that I couldn't eat pizza everyday anymore. That seemed to be the greatest loss.

I heard the doorbell ring, snapping me from my thoughts of the season. I jogged to the door, planting a big smile on my face when I saw Kevin at the door. I wasn't sure if he was up-to-date on what was happening between Russell and I. He smiled when he saw me, as we exchanged hugs and I invited him in.

I closed the door behind him and lead him into the living room. "Your call has got me nervous. What's up?" I asked him, sliding a water bottle over to him.

"It's kind of serious. To me, I mean," he clarified, taking a sip of his water. "I heard about you and Russell. I'm sorry that you guys aren't close anymore."

I took a deep breath and shrugged, trying not to think about it. "It's all okay. Everything happens for a reason, I guess." Deep down, I was hurting. I just didn't let it show to anyone. He seemed more than fine without me in his life, so I needed to mirror his same attitude.

"You miss him, I can see it in your eyes," Kevin told me, nodding his head and pursing his lips. "But I really need something from you. Please don't get Blake or anyone to talk to Doc or Steve about him going to the Clippers. I need Russ with me in Oklahoma. Please help me with this one, because I know you don't want him here in LA about as much as I do."

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