Chapter 68

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Maya was in the other room, sitting with Serge, both of them talking softly so none of us in the kitchen could hear. We wouldn't be able to anyways, this house had walls of steel. DJ had been alarmed by what we were telling him, but we all seemed calmer with Maya talking to him and of course with Serge tied up.

"There's no way I can keep him here over night," Blake protested with what I asked him to do. "Not near you, I don't want anything to happen to you... that's dangerous."

"Blake," I began, taking both of his hands in mine, "it's fine, okay? We can keep him here one night. You said yourself you didn't want to call the police. That's all we can do. Kevin and Russell are on their way, alright? It's okay, guys." Blake took a big deep breath and scratched the back of his head nervously. I grasped his chin with my right hand and made him look into my eyes, "it's gonna be fine, okay, baby?"

"So now Russell is coming over too?" Blake asked me, looking into my eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"Blake, Russell and I are best friends, nothing like that is ever gonna happen again. We have no feelings for each other and he is back with Nina," I told him, calmly. Blake groaned and opened his mouth to talk but DJ stopped him.

"Stop!" He said, "we don't have time for this.... okay, where are we gonna put Serge? If we keep him tied up we are breaking the law. Holding someone against their will. But it's too late now... we already broke it, we might as well go through with it. But after this is all done, we can never talk about what happened on this night ever again. And we can hope your little stalker photographer didn't get it on fucking tape, or some shit like that." DJ and I were both not trying to acknowledge Blake's glare at me. DJ finally couldn't keep quiet anymore. "Blake? Do you have something you would like to say?" Blake bit his lower lip and looked to the hardwood floors.

"Blake, please, we pushed past this. You said you were going to be okay with us continuing to be best friends. How are you gonna handle All-Star Weekend?" I asked him and he huffed, tapping his foot impatiently.

"I would just appreciate for you to tell me things and people that are coming into my house." He said, flatly, I could tell he was growing angry.

"Then why did you tell me to call Russell instead of the police in the first place?" I questioned Blake back, and he took a second to think about it.

"Alright, point taken," Blake admitted.

"Stop arguing and let's just put him in a room for the night, alright?" DJ asked us, putting both of his hands on both Blake and I. "Maya and I will spend the night tonight."

"No," I said automatically when he said Maya, "she will not be staying in my house." Blake turned to me, DJ taking his hands off both of us.

"Baby," Blake began, grabbing both of my hands. "You guys are best friends, we need them here tonight. You guys need to work this out. This is ridiculous. It's been going on for too long... you need to learn to forgive."

"It's been long because she keeps doing shit that most friends, real friends, would never even think of doing. I need to learn how to forgive?" I fired back, taking my hands out of Blake's. "She needs to learn to not be such a bitch--"

"Hey!" Blake said, cutting me off. "Enough. Enough. Why are you being like this? What has got you all worked up? Why can't you just forgive?" I looked at Blake and then DJ, seeing DJ wasn't going to back me up at all, I turned around and stormed off into the living room, to sit in peace. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I was just irritated. Blake probably needed a doctor, but he wouldn't go. So would Serge. I kept to myself, on my phone, hearing the faint talking of DJ and Blake, and the talking of Maya and Serge.

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