Chapter 117

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"Here we go," Marjorie extended her arms, showing me the palace that was to be where Blake and I's wedding was going to be held. "Tada!" I looked out among the roaring ocean that was hundreds of feet below us. Malibu was so beautiful. The smell of the ocean air and the soft breeze was a perfect setting. I agreed with Marjorie and Blake's tastes entirely.

But right now, the wedding really wasn't the thing on my mind. "So," I began, "Are you coming to live out here to stay?" Marjorie knew the question would pop up sooner or later.

"Blake offered me..." She trailed off, "But I'm just not sure. I've lived in New York my whole life, that's my heart."

"I can understand that," I told her, nodding my head. "But I would really love you here." She laughed, but I hoped she knew it was true. Marjorie and I had really bonded since New York, and if you would've told me we were going to be good friends when I first met her, I would have called you crazy. After losing Amber, I could see a real genuine friend in her, and that made me quite happy.

"I think my boyfriend would too," she added, with a smile. We both stopped in the middle of the long hall to the front door.

"Boyfriend?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows. It wasn't a surprise that somehow just now Marjorie was opening up about this. It took awhile for her to step outside of her comfort zone and talk, but I was okay with that.

"You actually probably know him," she told me. "You being a big part of the basketball world and everything." I raised my eyebrows wondering who she was talking about. There were a lot of people in the basketball world. "Kobe Bryant."

"You're dating Kobe Bryant!" I blurted unexpectedly. I didn't mean to say it like that, but that was... surprising. Kobe had made himself known as a dirty player in the league, and Blake always watched his back, along with DJ's, Chris's and Matt's, when playing the Lakers. Marjorie let out a nervous laugh and nodded her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that."

"No, it's okay, he can be a piece of work sometimes," she admitted. "But... actually, I was about to head over to his place, do you want to come with me?"

"I don't want to intrude," I shook my head, but Marjorie flicked her hand at me.

"Nonsense, come on," she pulled me towards her Lexus, as I hurried after her. To be honest I was very nervous to meet Kobe. He seemed like an asshole and he had quite the ego. He had tweeted something rude about Blake and I a few months ago, but I had chosen to ignore it and not start something. Blake wanted too, and I did think he tweeted something back, but I had chosen to leave it to those two. So to meet Kobe Bryant, and be able to tell Blake, was going to be an experience worth living through, I couldn't turn it down now. Marjorie turned away from the Beverly Hills palace, and moved down the street. I knew it couldn't be far, since Kobe lived in Beverly Hills.

Sure enough, she turned into a huge stone mansion. Just when I thought Blake and I's house was ridiculous. This was ridiculous. For one man to live in? At least seven cars were parked out front, a number of them appearing to be Aston Martins and Bentleys. My kind of cars. Maybe Kobe and I would get along. Hopefully. Marjorie parked the car and jumped out, me doing the same. Marjorie stooped up to Kobe's front step and opened the door up with her spare key. Marjorie slammed the door behind her, trying to indicate to Kobe she was at his house.

"If he seems like an asshole, I'm sorry," She apologized. "That's the real Kobe. He's like that."

"Babe!" I heard a man's call from the kitchen ring out. Marjorie turned around to face me, giving me a reassuring smile and then calling back to him, following his voice.

"Hey, I'm here!" Marjorie called out. We walked past the stone patio, that extended into a huge crystal blue pool that was designed to look like the ocean. Faux rocks surrounded the pool, as a waterfall flowed into it. "I brought company with me." We moved past the pool and into a small, light corridor, which I assumed lead into the kitchen, where I heard pots being shifted around.

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