Chapter 11

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Maya hadn't said a single word to me at the end of the second championship game which was unusual. I knew why, too. We had lost the second game and everyone had filled the locker room, there wasn't much talk today. I just quickly grabbed my clothes and changed into a tee and jean shorts, and put everything else into my bag. "Good game, Morgan," Candace told me, as she strode up to her locker to get her stuff. I knew Candace was just telling me this. I played a terrible game for a player like me. I wasn't focused Maya was right. Even when I tried pushing Blake away I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"I only scored six points and had no..." I pushed my clothes into the bag harder, with more anger, "...fucking rebounds, and one steal. Good game. More like a shitty bust. But great game to you. Seems like you played to your potential." Candace wanted to smile, but she ended up curling her lips in a pitying sort of way. I didn't want any pity. I grabbed my bag and before I could leave, Candace grabbed my wrist and pulled me around.

"We're all coming to my house after the game. You should come," She probably already knew what I was going to say. Thanks, but no thanks, I'll be too busy thinking about the guy I can't have right now.

"For what? Party for a loss that's all my fault?" I asked her, grimacing at what I had said, but it was the truth. Her face fell a little at my words. "Thanks, but no thanks." I answered for her, taking my wrist out of her grip, and walking away. I saw Maya looking at both of us, and I made eye contact with her, but kept walking out of the locker room. Once I got out, I heard all the people talking and screaming and cheering outside in the lobby of the center. I was all alone in the corridor outside of the locker room. I looked around and turned all the way down the hall to the exit in the back parking lot. I walked through the door, and saw Blake standing right next to me. My sad face instantly lifted to a goofy smile. I loved it. Before either of us could say anything, I jumped into his arms.

"Okay..." He said slowly, laughing, hugging me back. "What's this for?" I smiled up to him and released from the hug.

"Everything. It's almost been two days and I've even missed your presence." He laughed when I said this. We both turned to walk towards our cars.

"Game not turn out too good?" Blake asked me and I laughed, nodding my head.

"Terrible, in fact." I corrected him, we were walking pretty slow, which I loved.

"It's good that you can't see me for a little," Blake said, looking down to the pavement, "you really need to focus right now."

"Is it?" I asked him, looking into his eyes.

"Is it what?"

"Is it good that I can't see you?" I asked him. "Because ever since I have been 'forbidden' I've been playing worse and I can't focus. I was fine when we were together. Now that we aren't it's even worse. The only thing is Maya, Candace, Skylar, they don't trust me or you. They think I'm going to sleep with you."

"Well, we already sorta did sleep together," Blake said playfully and smiled to me.

"That's not helping," I laughed along with him, "and no, we didn't sleep together. You know what they mean."

Blake took a sharp deep breath. "Don't they know, that I've only known you for a couple weeks and I wouldn't do that?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're just another man in their eyes," I said, biting my lower lip, and looking up to him.

"Please don't do that, that makes me want to kiss you more," he pleaded and I bit my lip again, and he whined.

"Then kiss me," I told him. He looked back to the door, where one coach came out and that was it.

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