Chapter 108

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I was dead inside. Everything was dead. Blake was gone. Hannah was gone. I looked down at my left hand, rubbing my ring finger over and over, trying to find the ring, but it wasn't there. It wasn't there. I didn't even bother to search the yard for it. What was the use? If the most important thing tied to the ring, was all gone. Over. The whole house was dark and I sat in absolute silence. The only noise there was were the dogs playing upstairs, but I didn't pay them any attention. The door opened and slammed as my head shot up from my lap.

"Blake!" I shouted, my voice echoing throughout the big house but there was no answer. DJ appeared from the foyer. He shook his head and shrugged. My head hung low as I burst into another fit of tears. DJ walked over and shushed me, sitting down next to me, and pulling me into his lap. I cried into him as he rubbed my back up and down.

"You're going to be okay," DJ told me, calmly.

"No, I'm not!" I fell into another fit of tears. "It feels like I can't fucking breathe without him and it sucks. I want to rip my fucking heart out of my chest this hurts so damn bad!" I wailed and couldn't talk the tears were coming so fast and strong. "He's never... Ever going to come back DJ! Is he!" DJ shushed me again as I was choking on my tears and the cold, hard truth. I looked up into DJ's eyes, which were filled with concern and sorrow. "Is he?" I asked a little more quietly. DJ didn't say anything, his eyes still full with pity. I fell into another fit of tears in DJ's lap, as he caressed my back.

"Chris wants to see you, Morgan," DJ told me, as I sat all the way back up and wiped my tears the best I could. DJ took his hand and wiped them away for me. "I can drive you to the hospital if you like."

"Chris can't see me like this," I told DJ, shaking my head and bursting into tears again. The tears just didn't seem to stop.

"Oh, Morgan," DJ said, "Your ring is gone."

"He took it and he chucked it, DJ," I wailed, remember what had happened last night. My shoulders throbbed as I cried even harder. It felt like I couldn't breathe I was crying so hard. My stomach and throat hurt from the heaving. Everything hurt. But what hurt most of all, was my heart. "He took it and he chucked it."

"I love him, DJ," I cried on, shaking my head. "If I could take back everything that happened... everything I would. I love Blake so much!" DJ left me to cry for a few moments before saying something.

"I don't believe you would," he told me, looking into my eyes as they matched his gaze. "I believe, Morgan, that everything happens for a reason. This, here, right now, this is a plan. This is a lesson or blessing. And there is no doubt in my mind that you love Blake, but you also love Russell. You need to make up your mind, maybe Blake just isn't the one. I know how much that must hurt for you to hear me say, but you and Russell... I don't know what that is, but there is something clearly there." I couldn't even deny what DJ was saying. If there was nothing between Russell and I, after that first night nothing would have ever happened ever again. But there was something that I really did like about Russell. That I couldn't get enough of.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Deej," I admitted, shaking my head.

"There's nothing wrong with you," DJ calmed me down, as he stroked my hair, and I laid my head on his chest. "If love was easy everyone would have it mastered. But it's not. Everyone wants it but nobody will work for it. But you've been working for it so hard, it's really not your fault... Blake has been acting like a dick to you lately, I think maybe he just needs time away right now."

"It's not just time away, he said that it's over... It's done," I cried again, crying harder.

"I know Blake, he isn't done. He loves you, he isn't giving you up," DJ told me, in a soothing voice. I don't know whether he just was telling me this to calm me or he was actually being serious with me. I was really hoping he was being serious.

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