Chapter 26

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"This is awesome," Gloria came up to me and told me, placing her hand on the small of my back. "What a great party." She commented and I smiled.

"Thanks, that's a huge compliment considering Blake and I have never done any of this." I said, looking around at the people in the pool and grabbing snacks inside. Blake turned up the music, which everyone seemed to enjoy. Gloria nodded and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I excused myself and went off into the corner. It was Jada. I had invited her, just so she could still feel included in our group. I was hoping Chris and her could still be friends. But secretly, I was wishing seeing Chris again, would make her give him a chance. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"I can't come, I don't think I can do it, Morgan, I can't just be friends with Chris." I heard Jada say into the phone. I could tell she had been crying. She was sniffling a little into the phone, and her voice was quivering.

"Jada, yes you can," I told her, calmly into the phone. "You don't even have to talk to him. Just come and have a good time that's all I'm asking." She huffed into the phone.

"I feel like you're setting me up," she whined and I felt bad. I was sort of setting her up, but for her own good. She wouldn't see that until after the party.

"I'm not, I'm just being a good friend, okay?" I said reassuringly. "You and Chris may have broken up, but you still deserve a good time. Am I right?" She laughed into the phone. I instantly felt terrible, I was lying to her. Chris was planning on getting her back tonight and I was being his wingwoman.

"Alright, okay, I'm on my way," she said cheerfully into the phone. I smiled and hung up and took a sigh of relief. Everything was going to work out. As if on cue, Chris appeared, wondering if that was Jada.

"She's coming," I said, excitably to him. He grinned with joy. "She's gonna kill me when she finds out I lied to her and set her up though." Chris shrugged.

"It'll be worth it, because she'll fall in love with me again," he grinned. I shook my head. He brushed off his shoulders. "I mean I'm pretty charming." I just held a blank stare. "Aren't I?" I just pat him on the shoulder and walked past him and towards the door to the backyard. I spotted Blake, Matt, Maya, Candace, Skylar, DJ, Blake Reed, Ashley and Liv. I didn't invite Amber obviously because it was too early and too hard right now for him. Blake jogged up to me when he spotted me and smiled.

"This is awesome, thank you," he greeted me and I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Well, I mean the male stripper I ordered still isn't here for you," I joked and he cracked a smile.

"You still have the same sense of humor you had that night when I met you at the club," he smiled and looked into my eyes.

"What can I say? It runs in the family," I said, smiling to him.

"I still can't believe the game is tomorrow," he sighed. "And I'm leaving in four days." I pat his shoulder.

"Don't you not wanna talk about this now?" I asked him and he shook his head. I sighed and looked down to the concrete.

"Because I have to face, that I'm going. It's not going to be easy, but I know you'll be here when I get home." He said, smiling. "Hopefully." We both laughed. DJ walked up next to us.

"Gosh, Morgan, if you would've put your phone down I would have thrown you in the pool by now." I gasped, stuffing my phone into my pocket, showing that my phone wasn't going anywhere. I heard the doorbell ring and I jogged to go get it. I opened it and there stood Jada, and I smiled with pride, and said hey. She smiled back and walked inside.

"Have you seen Chris around?" Jada asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Jada, don't stress about it." I reassured her, swallowing my guilt. She nodded and walked out to the pool area telling me she'll see me in a little bit. I walked back out to everyone and didn't see Chris. I walked back inside and spotted Chris in the kitchen. "She's here." I said, and his eyes widened.


Almost everyone else had left the party and it was nearing two o' clock in the morning. A few people still hadn't left, but Blake and I were cleaning up. There wasn't too much of a mess, but it was still evident there was a party. I hadn't seen Chris nor Jada for hours, and I didn't want to know what they were doing. I knew DJ and Maya were together out back, and I had to tell them that Blake and I were going to bed. Blake was playing OKC tomorrow and I had floor seats, which I was so excited about. I told Blake I was going out to tell them goodnight. It was pretty dark out, besides the lights illuminating the pool area. I walked towards the pool, "Hey, guys..." I stopped before I could even process what was going on. I saw the worst thing I could ever see, I just turned around and ran back inside. Glad I wasn't wearing those terrible heels. I knew they saw me, they saw me out there. Soon both of them would come running. I knew there was something going on inbetween them. I jogged past Blake.

"Wait, where are you...?" I couldn't hear the rest Blake was going to say before I ran up the stairs. I heard the back door from the pool open, and I could tell they were coming after me. I ran into the bedroom and locked the door. I turned around trying to hold the tears in, as I slid down the door frame.

saw it coming, but I don't ship it.

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