Chapter 111

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A/N: This is my all-time favorite chapter, so I hope you enjoy. Love you guys. :-)

It was a beautiful LA evening, the sun was shining and it was in the 70s, which was the perfect temperature. The roar of the waves on the beach through the backyard pleased me and settled my nerves. I ran over to my phone that was perched on the bench alongside the outdoor basketball court which I had been practicing on for the past five hours. It was over six weeks since I last saw or talked to Blake, and I was doing really good. Basketball had returned to be my number one priority, as it felt as if nothing else mattered. I could finally admit that it felt great. Sweat dripped off my forehead, as I ran a few more laps around the court, my legs shaking under me. I picked up the basketball and dribbled up and down between each basket, practicing more layups and little jumpers.

"Ready for the season?" I heard behind me. I turned to see Maya sitting on the bench, watching me. I nodded, as I tried to catch my breath. My legs felt like Jell-O, as they throbbed with the feeling I loved so much. I looked down at my sports bra, shorts and Jordan's. "You weren't answering your phone or the door. I got worried," she clarified her presence.

"Why would you be worried? I'm fine," I told her, not adding a smile this time. I didn't need to fake smile. For once in my life, I could finally say that I felt fine. And that was a big achievement for me.

"It's just about June," she reminded me, nodding and staring out to the ocean, "Just about our time to shine on the court. Also... you and Blake's one year." I shook my head and snorted at Maya's comment.

"There is no one year," I told her, shaking my head and rolling my eyes. "That ended almost two months short."

"Morgan, he didn't actually say that you guys are broken up," Maya defied, shaking her head.

"Maya, he clearly said we're over. We haven't seen or talked to each other in over a month. It's over," I commented, shooting a ball outside the three point arch, making nothing but net.

"All his stuff is here," I cut Maya off before she could say anymore. I didn't want people coming here just to cheer me up about Blake coming back. I didn't care whether he did or he didn't, I just didn't want the painful memories that came with his remembrance. Personally, I would prefer him not coming back.

"Even the slim chance he did come back," I snapped, a little irritated, "I would end it with him for good. It doesn't matter to me anymore, Maya. Besides, I'd like to think if Blake showed up at my doorstep right now, I'd tell him to go to hell."

"In all years of knowing you, even when you were in college, being the bestest, most care-free friends your rookie year," she stood up and shook her head, walking towards me, "I would have never called you a quitter."

"He walked out on me twice," I reminded her, "But I'm the quitter? Just because I'm sick of his shit? No. I won't let you talk me into that utter bullshit." Maya sighed and inched back over to the bench, where she sat back down. I shot a few more balls at the basket, making all of them in. I turned to her after my metal rack of basketballs was all run out and all the basketballs were littered across the court and yard. "I just want to be those care-free best friends again," I told her, shaking my head. "If I could take back everything that's happened in the past year, I would."

"Morgan, you don't mean that," Maya retorted, "you love Blake."

"Well, that is true," I admitted, "But only because you can't un-love someone. I love him so much, I hate him. I hate him with every fiber of my being." I added an innocent smile and a nervous laugh, realizing what I had just said was the truth. Maya pat the bench next to her and I sat down, looking out to the ocean and palm trees. "I don't have anymore feelings towards him. It's over."

"Are you selling the house?" She asked me, curiosity filling her voice.

"No way, I love this house," I commented, keeping my eyes from Maya's and trained on the ocean.

"Somehow Blake knew that," she commented, shrugging.

"Who sent you?" I asked her, "You and Blake used to not get along. Why are you trying to get me with him? Did Blake send you?" She shrugged.

"I have to go," she told me, patting my head. I opened my mouth to say something, but she was already walking away. The sun was setting behind the ocean, as it stretched as far as I could see. I heard more footsteps coming from the house and I was wondering if Maya was coming back. DJ appeared from the house, flashing his pearly whites at me.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, everything came flooding back. Me getting pregnant multiple times, Blake finding out about my childhood, that huge fight we had on the beach, the first time he left me, when I slept with Russell, the night Serge almost killed us, the nights in New York City, the time we went to Oklahoma when Blake's father past away, when Blake bought me this house, Blake and I's first dates when we drank Vodka together, Christmas with Blake and DJ, our days spent at the practice gym, then the milkshake shop, and then the Hollywood sign, up until when I first met him at that bar in the club downtown, Knockout, after the Sparks were going to the championship. The memories overwhelmed me.

"Hey, Morgs," DJ greeted me, just looking at me as my bottom lip started to shake. I felt the hot tears stream down my cheeks as I tried to wipe them away but they just kept coming and coming. My shoulders shook as I gasped for a breath. Sometimes, when something traumatic happens to us, it takes a while for it to sink in, for the brain to accept it. But when it sinks in, it hurts like hell, and it all just hits us at once.

"Blake's gone! He's gone, DJ!" I wailed, crying even harder, sitting there as DJ looked at me, pity full in his eyes. He sat next to me and brought me close, cradling me as I cried harder than I have in weeks. I was blind, failing to realize I had let the most precious thing in the world to me, slip from my fingertips.


It was nearing one in the morning, as I sat in my underwear and in one of Blake's old huge tee shirts, drinking Hennessy straight out of the bottle. I played The Weeknd on my phone and just sat in the dark. I heard a knock on the door, but refused to go get it. I took another swig from the bottle, as there was another knock. I refused to go get it, but the knocks continued.

"Fuck," I muttered, as I got out of bed and walked to the door, carrying the Hennessy bottle with me, making sure everything was covered with Blake's tee. It still smelled just like him. I cascaded down the stairs and walked to the door, letting in fly open. My heart dropped at the mere sight of who was at the door. My stomach did a triple flip. Blake was sitting on one knee, pinching my ring in between his two huge fingers. He found my ring. I kept a straight face, really because I didn't know what to think. Was this some stupid joke?

"I know you don't know what to say, and please, don't say anything," he told me, looking between me and the ring. "These six weeks have been the absolute worst. Without you. I spent six weeks trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Why I can't sleep, why I can't eat, why I can't talk, why I can't play basketball. That's when I realized you're the only thing that matters. It's you. It's always been you. It will always be you. I love you with my heart and every fiber of my being, Morgan, believe that. I love you so much I'll kneel on your front porch and re-propose. You are my soulmate, me and you both know this. Nothing matters to me, Morgan. And I do stupid shit and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. When I first saw you in that club, I did only see you for your looks, how gorgeous you were. But you're so much more than that. You're one of the funniest girls I've ever met, you're so chill when you're with me, you're drop dead gorgeous, you're so fucking smart, you're strong, you're brave... I could go on and on. You're not fake and every time we talk you stun me. But knowing that I may never get you back, that I may never hold you again, that I may never be able to call you mine again... it kills me. Because, Morgan Rowland, I love you so much." He took a deep breath after he was done and I just stared at him, as he stared back at me.

It'll hurt. Pain always does. Even if you love someone, letting them go may be the best medicine. Because everyone is stuck trying to forget someone. Every person is stuck infinitely with the question: Do you pick up all the pieces or do you move on? No matter how much pain someone brings you, sometimes you need to walk away.

Blake stared at me for a few more moments before I grabbed the door, shutting it right in his face.

...And I'm walking away.

You can't be fixed, by the same person who broke you•

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