Chapter 81

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"Hello, Miss Morgan," a woman greeted me in a huge lobby. I was appearing for my interview. Marjorie had great taste, but not a taste for me. The tight dress was itchy and uncomfortable, I felt layers of makeup upon my face, which seemed to weigh me down, I wore a bra that pushed my breasts almost up to my chin, and my black stiletto heels had my feet hurting like hell. My plea to wear sneakers was shut down quickly. I shuffled to the elevator where she lead me. Once we were inside, she introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Kelly. I will be your assistant during your interview." She hit the 68th floor on the elevator and we skyrocketed up to that floor in under a minute. We both stepped out and I tried to fall in step with her, but heels would not cooperate with me. "Now, remember this is an exclusive interview, it won't be shown on National Television, it will be sold in magazines and on our pop culture website and YouTube channel, considering you and Blake are the new power couple of the year." She added a smile and I smiled back. "But remember if the questions get too personal, you can always pass," she opened a glass door, which opened into a studio. She motioned for me to sit in a seat, "Mr. Burke will be with you shortly." She shut the door, leaving me in a quiet and still smaller lobby. The theme was white and gold, as a fountain was the only noise to be heard. I moved my feet nervously, still not enjoying the shoe choice. The door opened and what I assumed to be Mr. Burke stood in the doorway. He tossed me a smile, as I stood up and made my way to where he was standing. He outstretched his hand and introduced himself as Mr. Burke. He led me to a TV studio, where we both sat down in chairs, along with a camera man, who was quite close. He offered me any refreshments and I shook my head, listening to Marjorie's tip about not messing up my outfit, makeup or hair. Marjorie had given me a lecture about never accepting refreshments, that was a question that could lead to disaster. I decided to obey.

"Ready to begin?" Mr. Burke asked me, tightening his tie. I nodded, taking a deep breath, trying to reassure my nerves.

"Of course," I said, cheerfully, folding my hands in my lap. The camera man counted down five and pointed to the camera when it was rolling. I flashed a bright smile to the camera and so did Mr. Burke.

"This is Jeffrey Burke on NBA Gossip online," the man turned to me, the notecards in his hands, "and I'm here today with Morgan Ashleigh, Blake Griffin's girlfriend and WNBA all-star, and rookie of the year! How are you doing today? We are so pleased to have you for your first ever interview." He added a clap and I smiled.

"I am doing great today, thanks for having me," I told the camera. This was all so unusual for me, all so surreal. I never in a million years thought that I would be someone getting interviewed. This was so... different.

"So, let's just get right into it..." He said, flipping his notecard nonchalantly, "how was your rookie year? Was it eventful? How did it feel?"

"It was amazing for me," I admitted, pushing my hair to the side. Except for when Maya Moore kicked me off the team, I thought to myself. But I was making sure Maya and I stayed friends, so I kept the thought to myself, "My rookie year was better than I could ever ask for. It was the best, actually."

"So, who are your friends on the team? Who are you closest to?" He asked me. I knew he must have known everything that happened throughout the season and after through the gossip magazines, the tabloids.

"Uh, well, Skylar Diggins and Candace Parker I used to be very close too, especially during the regular season," I admitted, folding my hands across my abdomen, "unfortunately, we have grown apart through the past couple of months. Maya Moore is my best friend and we have actually gotten over our differences and gotten very close these past couple of days again."

"Well, what exactly happened towards the end of the season with you and Miss Moore?" Mr. Burke asked, creasing his eyebrows.

I tried to remember what happened at the end of the season, since so much has happened since then. "Maya and I had our differences regarding men and dating troubles. We had our focuses on different things, different priorities, and Maya did what she thought was right, and she was infuriated and frustrated with me, and she kicked me off the team before the championship."

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