Chapter 141

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It had been a week since I had thrown the cereal all over Blake, and we hadn't said a word to one another. I had started to go back to a light practice again, as the season was just beginning for the Sparks. They were expecting me to come back halfway through the season. We had a few new players, so hopefully I would be able to blend and work with these new players just as well as the old ones as I moved into my third season. I was nervous, even I had to admit that. Maya was inviting me back with open arms, urging me to take it slow. I lied on top of the covers in bed, facing away from the bathroom where Blake was.

Marcus was growing every single day and so was Hannah. I was upset that Hannah knew Blake and I were upset with one another. Truth was, I had been trying so hard to push aside the anger I felt towards Blake right now. Every time I did try and talk to him, he would turn away, he would walk away and I couldn't find the words. I could never find the words. And every time I looked at him, I thought of Sugar pressed upon him, grabbing him, groping him, licking him, kissing him... Then I could feel the bile rising my throat and my skin crawling and I could never find the words. I tried to keep my life going, I tried to focus on basketball and I tried to give the best to the kids. But it was so hard. I heard the bathroom door open, tearing me from my thoughts. I breathed in quickly and closed my eyes. I wanted Blake to think I was asleep. I couldn't contain my breath that I tried to keep it rhythmic, as it felt like my heart dropped to my stomach. It was too hot to even get under the covers, so he flopped himself on top of the bed as well. I thought it would be best for me to fall asleep now.

"Morgan, I know you're awake," Blake's deep voice greeted my ears. Damn, I really had missed his voice. "Morgan, please talk to me. I miss you so fucking much." My hot tears hit the pillow before I could stop them. I was supposed to be the one mad. I was supposed to be the one punishing Blake. But this felt like hell. It felt like I was being the one punished. It felt like I was the one that was suffocating myself. I sniffled, praying he wouldn't hear, but I knew he did. He would know I was crying even if I didn't make any noise. "Morgan..." He touched my hip, but I moved away as fast as I could. I moved off the bed and ran my hands over my face, wiping my tears away. I started pacing back and forth and crying hysterically. Blake stared at me intently from the bed. "Morgan, you're driving yourself crazy. Please... You're worrying me."

"You think you're worried!" I screamed, but Blake shushed me. He didn't want me to wake Marcus. He stood up and closed the bedroom door. I tried to wipe the tears, but more just kept spilling. My shoulders were shaking and I couldn't stop.

"Morgan, look at me," Blake said, standing in front of me. I turned away and shook my head. "Morgan, look at me!" He grabbed my wrist and turned me towards him, grabbing my other one so I wouldn't move. I looked at my feet and not at Blake. "I said look at me," He growled. It took everything I could to look the man I had learned to love these past two years in the eyes. I nearly snapped in two when I did. I chewed my lip, fighting off the tears.

"Blake, I don't think I can..." He cut me off before I could continue.

"LOOK AT ME, DAMNIT!" He yelled. I looked into his eyes and took a deep breath. Right into those eyes. Those deep, dark, brown eyes with the twinkle. God, that twinkle. Two years ago, when I ran into him at the practice center, the night after the club, those eyes, those freckles, that million dollar smile... That's what I fell in love with. With the person, whom I really fell in love with. "I am in love with you. I would never cheat on you." I stared into his eyes. I couldn't stay away from them. His lips, those plump, beautiful lips, brushed upon mine, sending sparks up and down my spine. I inhaled sharply, as his lips crashed full force. I fought back with mine, our tongues dancing among one another. Suddenly, in all that bliss, his lips felt disgusting. Repulsive. Sugar's lips had been upon his. In Tokyo. While I was delivering our child. I snatched my wrists from his and backed up four steps away from him.

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