Chapter 30

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I refused to believe DJ liked Maya and I refused to believe what happened last night wasn't a dream. I was so worried and I cried myself to sleep last night. I couldn't believe this. I just kept remembering what happened last night and tears would form in my eyes all over again. I thought it was a dream, but it felt all to real. I just wanted Blake to come and hold me more than anything. I just wanted to lie in his arms forever and ever. I felt lonely and depressed. I had been sitting on the couch all morning, and sipping coffee, not talking to anyone. Blake was coming home in two days, but it still felt like an eternity. I was halfway through it. I went on Instagram, and checked my DMs of what people were sending me. A few were the usual, hate, love, but then I saw the pictures of Russell and I at Starbucks and sighed. Blake would be calling me as soon as he saw those. I slammed my phone down onto the couch, and flopped back onto the cushions. My life was just going great right now. Sarcasm.

My phone started to buzz and I heard the sound of basketballs dribbling coming from my phone. Blake. I really hoped he didn't see the pictures, I wasn't in the mood. I waited a couple rings, and then I picked up. "Hey," I said softly into the phone. Blake laughed automatically.

"Hey, you sound delightful," he joked, chuckling into the phone. "Only two more days." He reminded me. I smiled and stood up, starting to walk around the TV room.

"I can't wait," I said into the phone, smiling, putting Blake's face in my head. "I had a... rough night and didn't get any sleep and I'm having a rough time. I just really needed you last night. Missed your warmth a lot. But I'm okay, only two more days." Blake sighed into the phone.

"Aw, babe," he whined into the phone, I hope I didn't make him sad. "I'm so sorry, I'll be home soon. Washington, DC tomorrow afternoon and I'm flying home right after and I'll be home in the morning. Early. I miss you. What happened?" I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

"Maya, she, um... has a serious disease and we don't know what's going to happen... I don't know what to do. What to say, anymore. It's okay. It'll be okay, I know it will." I said, reassuringly. There was silence on the phone for a minute.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, that's crazy, I can't believe that... that's terrible." Blake said, totally breathtaken on the phone. "I want to change the subject... who did you hang out with while I've been gone?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I know you saw the pictures, Blake." I said, flatly. He breathed into the phone.

"Yeah, I did," Blake said into the phone. "What the hell is that are you guys like dating now or something?" I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"Blake, we're friends. We just went to Starbucks for coffee. I love you, okay? Russell and I are friends, okay?" I waited for an answer.

"You're right, sorry," Blake apologized into the phone. "I just get jealous sometimes." I smiled and laughed into the phone.

"That makes me miss you more," I whined into the phone.

"I'll be home soon," he reminded me. "I love you, I have to go, but I love you." I nodded into the phone and muttered something like "I love you" into the phone. I hung up and dropped my phone on the coffee table, and sighed, running my hands over my face. I took a deep breath. I was overreacting to this, but I felt like I wasn't at the same time. I felt wrong inside my own body. So I did the only thing I really knew how to do. It was ninety degrees outside but I picked my basketball up near the back door and headed outside. I ran to the basketball court and started practicing my layups, it felt like I never stopped practicing everyday. I instantly fell in love, this is what I loved to do. This was my true passion, my true calling. I dribbled back and forth, back and forth up and down the court.


Seven hours later, I collapsed into the grass and could barely walk. I was drowned in sweat and I could barely breathe. I got onto all fours and tried to crawl inside but even that hurt. I just ended collapsing on the sidewalk concrete. I realized I left my phone inside and cursed under my breath. I was so dehydrated, I hadn't drank anything in hours. I tried to crawl back up, but couldn't get up. My muscles and bones kept failing underneath me. The sun was setting and I instantly started freaking out. All I could think about was the photographer stalker guy. Being stuck out here, was scarier than I thought it would be. I attempted again. No help. I just flipped over onto my back, and waited, looking at the sunset.

"Morgan? Morgan?" I heard Russell's voice from out here. I forgot I left my screen door open. I also forgot Russell and I were supposed to hang out today. Shit.

"Russell!" I called, "I need help," I said again. He walked outside to see me lying on the ground. I smiled and waved from the ground laughing. "Little help?" He smiled and walked around me, grabbing my uplifted arms. Even lifting my arms hurt. He pulled me up and I jumped up, almost instantly falling. He lifted me back up and I put my arm around his shoulders. "Okay, thank you," I said and he smiled. He dropped me onto the couch lightly once we were inside and I flopped back.

"Well, hey," Russell said laughing. I rolled my eyes as my body sunk into the couch. This was nice. "What the hell happened to you?" I laughed.

"Pushing myself too hard, I'm an idiot," I admitted and shook my head at my ignorance. I put my hand over my eyes and took a deep breath. "Uh, I thought I was over being stupid, and pushing myself too hard. Obviously not." Russell just sat there and chuckled, as I sat up and looked at him.

"What?" I asked him, cracking a smile. What was so funny?

Russell smiled at me. "I did the same thing when I was a rookie." I smiled and rolled my eyes, patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm not a rookie anymore, Russell," I smiled, and Russell grinned back. "I feel bad, this is your last day here, and i won't see you for awhile, but at the same time, I can't wait for Blake to come home tomorrow morning." Russell smiled.

"I understand," he said. "I'll see you when I come back, or you can come to Oklahoma..." I shook my head and laughed. "I love it here in LA, it's okay. Just whenever you and Blake come to visit Oklahoma, give me a call."

"Of course I will." I said and smiled, giving him a quick, friendly hug.

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