Chapter 23

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"Hey," I said when I saw Serge and Maya at the door. I motioned them inside, awkwardly, which I wish I hadn't done. They stepped inside with full confidence, which I envied. Serge was tall in person, probably the same height as Blake. "To the living room, this way," I motioned them in the direction of the living room.

"I know your house, Morgan," Maya reminded me. I just nodded. I walked into the living room, where Blake was sitting. This would be awkward. I sat on the couch next to Blake and Maya and Serge sat on the other couch across from us.

"Blake, what's up, man?" Serge asked, with fake cheerfulness. Blake looked at his hand which was open for a dap.

"Hi," Blake said, flatly, denying the dap. Serge took his hand back and put it at his side. I nudged Blake, but he just looked at me. "Why are we here? What do we want to talk about?" Blake snapped.

"Well, I believe we all have some tension we need to work out," Maya said. Blake snorted and shook his head.

"No, we really don't, I'm fine the way I am," Blake snapped. I could tell Blake was really aggravated and didn't want to deal with this at all. Not right now at least. Not with Serge and Maya.

"Blake," Serge began, rubbing his chin. "Don't you want to put this all behind us? All this fighting? The first game of the regular season we are playing one another, don't you want to start fresh?" Blake shook his head.

"How can I start fresh when all you do is reach for my balls!" Blake shouted, standing up. Serge stood up to Blake's level too. The only thing that was separating the two men was a small coffee table. Maya and I stayed seated, not interfering bewteen them unless it got physical. "They belong to someone else now!" Blake shouted and pointed to me. I blushed and Maya gasped.

"You said you weren't having sex with him!" Maya shouted back to me, but I couldn't pay attention to her drama, I was paying attention to the tension between the guys. They were carrying a death glare.

"Blake, you know that was just business," Serge remarked and Blake rolled his eyes. "I had to do what I had to do to lead my team to a victory. With you out of the picture it was a lot easier to move my team to a victory." Blake scoffed.

"Victory? Where's your championship ring then? Oh right, you didn't get one!" Blake shouted, and Serge chuckled. I admired how Serge was so calm and Blake looked like he was about to pounce on him. "You have the best all-around player in the NBA on your team and the second best point guard in the league on your team. Was punching me really gonna do anything?" Blake sneered.

"And you have the best point guard in the league on your team!" Serge shouted, coolly at the same time. "Chris Paul? Remember him? Oh, right, your head is stuck so far up your ass you didn't even realize." Blake rolled his eyes and balled his fists.

"Yeah, but you didn't see any of us punching any of your guys in the balls did you!" Blake shouted, "I'm going to break your face," Blake muttered.

"Oh, and what's his name?" Serge said, in a threatening tone. "DeAndre Jordan? Your best friend? Well, you and your pal just completely overshadow him. Well, I mean he's not good, so, it doesn't matter, right?" Before Maya and I could stop anything, Blake punched Serge square in the jaw. Serge landed with a thud back on the couch, rubbing his now bleeding nose.

"Oh my God!" Maya gasped, putting her arms over Serge. "What the hell is wrong with you!" Maya shouted to Blake. I gasped.

"What's wrong with him?!" I yelled. "Your boyfriend is a total ass!" Maya opened her mouth agape.

"My boyfriend is an ass? Your stupid ass boyfriend just punched mine and you're saying my boyfriend has problems!" She shouted. "We haven't worked through anything, all because of Blake!"

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