Chapter 113

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"I'm perfectly fine... I'm fine," I said, my arms folded across my chest as I sat in bed with Blake. Blake was reading a sports magazine, only half paying attention to me, flipping through the pages. I huffed and thought about the events of tonight. "Should I go apologize about what I said to her?" I tapped my foot impatiently and shook my head. "No, actually I don't wanna talk about this," I objected, "I'm fine." I plastered a fake smile onto my face to reassure myself that everything was going to be okay.

"Do you want to tell me what happened or do you want to keep arguing with yourself?" Blake finally piped up, not looking up from his magazine and flipped the page.

"Um," I began, not wanting to make this awkward with Blake. "I walked into Amber's house to say goodbye to her before she left and I walked into her and Russell just getting done with a sex session. I got mad and just told her I hope she stays in Brazil." I folded my arms again and pouted, as Blake closed his magazine and threw it onto the nightstand.

"Well do you wish she would stay in Brazil?" Blake asked me innocently.

"No," I answered, "I was just in the moment." After I had cooled down I realized I really wasn't even mad or hurt. Now I was just mad and hurt at myself for blowing up like that on my best friend. "I think sensible Morgan is telling me to go apologize." I stood up off the end of the bed, eyeing that it was almost midnight, although I was sure Amber was awake.

"I think sensible Blake wants you to get back in bed and cuddle," Blake protested sending me a big smile from the bed as I slid on my KD's.

"I think that's cuddle-y, love-y, Blake," I smiled, moving towards the door. I stopped to add one more thing, before I left. "But that, protective Blake and horny Blake are my favorites, so don't move, babe." He smiled at this and so did I, as I blew him a kiss and ran down the stairs.

"I love you!" I heard Blake shout from upstairs, but I was already out of the door. I would make it up to him later. I walked to my car, just to see Amber stepping out of her car. I stepped in my tracks and watched her, after she noticed I was standing there, she gave me a smile with no teeth. I didn't want to go inside with Blake in there and I think she could tell.

"I was just gonna drive over to apologize," I told her, grimacing, "but it looks like you beat me to it."

"Look, I'm an idiot, Morgan," she told me, but I shook my head, indicating for her to stop.

"Russell isn't mine, I shouldn't have acted like that. I don't know what came over me," I said. I had no idea what came over me at all. It was a surge of jealousy that clearly shouldn't have been there. I was just conflicted on what had happened that night with DJ and Amber, since DJ refused to discuss about it, and I hadn't talked to Amber for some time. It wasn't like DJ to cheat ever, so he still must have had feelings for Amber, something must have came over him.

"You did whatever with Russell before and I should have never went there," she criticized, nodding her head. That is what I wanted to hear. "It's just been a rough month."

"You're telling me," I told her, rolling my eyes and letting out a nervous laugh.

"Oh... Blake. I saw the tabloids about the breakup," she said, pointing to the house and I nodded.

"But I think we're okay now," I told her with a nod. "But it's cool with you and Russell... it's all good. So I'll see you when you get back from Brazil?" She opened her mouth to say something and then shook her head.

"Oh, I'm not going to Brazil," she told me, a little smile played on her lips. "I'm staying... everyone is here."

"Why did you change your mind?" I asked her, smiling from ear to ear and jumping up and down twice from excitement. "Wow, my best friend is staying!" I beamed and gave her a hug, but I couldn't help by notice from the second time tonight, she didn't hug me back. Nor was she smiling. My eyebrows knitted over with concern, wondering why she was looking almost guilty.

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