Chapter 127

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The following night after the wedding, everyone had seemed to go their separate ways during the day, and when nighttime came, everyone was back in the house. Blake had been avoiding me all day, while I was stuck with being at practice and meetings before my first game tomorrow, as I was also stuck with my thoughts.

The decision upon whether to give my parents the money or not was constantly on my mind. Half of me wanted to believe if I gave them this money, everything would be okay along with my father. The other half of me warned me that if I gave them this extremely generous gift, they would ask for more, use me or turn back over to the use of heroin. As for Blake, I had no idea why he was ignoring me. I imagined he was just hurt after my words last night, maybe even angered since I wasn't thinking clearly. I knew he was hanging out with DJ, Chris, Matt, Ronny Turiaf, Blake Reed, Jordan Cameron, Jamal Crawford and Ryan Gomes. He must have told them something about why he was upset.

"Morgan," someone snapped me from my thoughts. I looked up realizing I was still in the Clippers Practice Center, everyone had already left. I snapped my gaze up to meet Ryan's. Ryan and I had never really talked much, but I knew Matt mostly hung out with him, when he wasn't picking up LA girls or hanging out with us. "You're still here? It's late."

"I've just had a lot on my mind," I clarified, attempting to give him a small smile. I knew Ryan was at the wedding yesterday, but I didn't get to speak to him. "I thought you were hanging out with the guys?"

"Everyone went home," He stated. I could tell by his narrowed eyes he was trying to find out if something was up with me. "Blake is kind of upset with you, though." I nodded, accepting what he had just said.

"It's okay, he has a pretty good reason," I said, shaking my head. "Well, I hope you guys had a good time." We both heard the door to the gym open, and I saw Paige walk into the gym.

"Hey, Ryan," she said, giving him a small wave. He waved to both of us before leaving the gym. "C'mon, you need to take your mind off some things. There's a cool looking bar down the street... let's go and grab a couple drinks." I thought about it for a few moments. A few drinks wouldn't hurt.

"Yeah, let's go," I told her, looking to my outfit. I had already changed back into my maxi skirt, crop top and sandals. I locked my stuff up in the player's office we were currently using for meetings and walked out into the deliciously warm summer air alongside Paige.


"Okay, just one more, just one, I promise," I slurred to Paige. I had been making this promise since we first arrived at the bar, but Paige didn't seem to oblige. The alcohol made me forget about what had been happening, why my mind had been so clouded lately. About the pressure of a family soon, the money, Hannah staying with us while I was away, Blake being upset with me, my first game. It felt good to be loose for one night. Paige had nothing but water, knowing she wanted to drive my Aston Martin home, besides the fact I was in no shape to.

The bartender nervously slid me my seventh Sex On the Beach and I knew halfway through this one I was either going to be passed out or throwing up. Only half of it I would drink. "This is great! I feel great!" I gushed to Paige loudly, as she smiled nervously, looking away. I began to chug the drink, Paige yanking it out of my grasp.

"Okay, I think you've had enough," Paige insisted, sliding the glass away from me. I giggled, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"How much will you pay me if I get a video of me twerking on that guy and send it to Blake?" I couldn't even recognize myself. All these words were tumbling past my lips and I had no control over them. Paige grasped me by my collar, shaking her head.

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