Chapter 112

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A/N: Hey guys! If everyone could please go read and vote for the prologue of my new story, The Baby Blue Bentley, it's a Russell Westbrook fanfic and it's coming out in October. I think you'll like it.😊 love you.

PS. Sorry I haven't updated I've been in Peru having a great time.

I clenched the robe tightly around my waist as I was going towards the front door to walk to get the mail. The events from last night, pumped through my head, threatening to give me a migraine. This was all so much. I walked out the front door to see Blake lying there. I sighed. "Did you sleep here all night?" Blake sat up as soon as he saw me.

"Uh, yeah," Blake admitted, bringing his gaze towards my eyes. I watched him for a little, using his basketball bag as a pillow, laying on the concrete. I was moving to close the door, but huffed and stepped aside. Blake looked up and inside. I really didn't want to let him in the house, but he had slept there all night. How could I say no?

"You can come in," I muttered, waiting for him to step in. I kept my gaze on the floor as he stood up and breezed past me, dropping his bag. I shut the door behind him. I clenched the robe tightly around myself and walked to the couch, plopping myself down and kicking my feet up onto the coffee table. No use in getting the mail now. Blake sat a foot away from me on the couch. I had my arms folded across my body, as I stared at the TV, the blank dark screen staring back at me. Neither of us said a word, the tension between us was horrible. But I wasn't going to be the one to break the silence. Not this time. Because maybe I didn't want to break the silence. Or break anything. Maybe I just wanted to leave this alone and not talk about it all. Just move on. But I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't give up. Not quite yet. Blake reached over and placed his hand on my thigh and I jerked back. Blake instantly took his hand back and placed it in his lap. "Please don't touch me," I muttered, my voice shaking at the feeling of a ball bubbling in my throat. Here came the waterworks. "Because if you touch me, all the memories will come flooding back and I can't take it, Blake." My voice cracked at the end of what I said, and that's when I felt the first tear. I wiped it away fast. Of course, Blake knew I was going to cry before I even did. He could read me like a book. It was a blessing and a curse. "You made it clear that it's over, so it is over."

"Morgan, we aren't over," Blake told me, his voice flat and serious. "I was frustrated, okay? I didn't mean what I said. You have to realize that." I shook my head and turned away from him, even further. Five feet separated us, and I wasn't planning on getting any closer. "You flipped all our pictures over," he noted, looking at all the picture frames I had flipped, as if they weren't there anymore.

"But you also have to realize something," I told him, still staring at the TV, "I don't know if I can go back." There was an awkward silence between us, as I could tell Blake was unsure of what to say. We both just sat there, both of us looking straight ahead. The sound of the ice dropping from the refrigerator was the only noise that was to be made, besides the dogs walking around on the hardwood floor upstairs.

"And you have to realize something," Blake finally piped up, his voice was higher as I could see what I said, really hurt him. "That I am not letting you go."

"I've been seeing a therapist over the past six weeks," I told him, looking over to meet his eyes, but his eyes weren't trained on me. "He said that I should be moving on from this." I heard Blake gulp next to me, as he dropped his head and folded his hands in his lap. I knew he was trying so hard not to cry because I knew him. He fiddled with his thumbs in his lap, and I could tell he wasn't going to say anything. "And I had moved on, at least I was somewhat over you. I have started playing a lot more basketball, and my priorities finally seemed to be straight. Except I was missing one thing all this time... it finally just hit me that you were gone. I got really really sad all over again. And I can't even hide that now that you are back, I am the happiest person in the world. But I'm just trying to make sure I am doing what's right. I realized that when I play basketball, that isn't the only priority. There were holes in my heart and you filled it with your love. That's why I needed you, I need you. You're my priority." Blake's head slowly came up from his lap, to meet my eyes. I could tell tears were brimming his eyes. In only a second, Blake sprung over to me and grabbed me, our lips touching. His lips absorbed mine. This was truly the best feeling in the world. I had missed his lips and his touch so much more than I thought I did. I didn't only crave this lips, I craved him. His fingertips lied on my hips softly, rocking them back and forth into our kiss. Blake moaned and I laughed as we both separated in smiles. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck and he kept his wrapped around my hips.

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