Chapter 21

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I bolted upright in the bed, covered in sweat, and breathing heavily. I felt like I was going to vomit. My arms were slick with sweat, and I felt like I was on fire. Blake lied there, sound asleep. I was glad he wasn't awake. My legs were jellied, and I tried to walk over to the bathroom. My hair was sopped against my face, and I instantly got a towel, to dry myself and cool myself off. I cooled myself down which didn't really help. I was shaking, and instead of going back into the bed, I went downstairs and lied back down on the couch. I put a blanket over me and drifted off to sleep, not before closing the curtains.


"Morgan, Morgan," I felt my shoulders being shaken, and I opened my eyes to see Blake shaking me. "Why'd you come sleep down here?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"I had a really bad dream is all, kinda freaked me out," I muttered, I realized it was still dark outside and it must've been around four. "I didn't want to wake you. You're so cute when you sleep." We both smiled.

"Come here," he sat down next to me and we both lied down. He pulled the blanket over both of us, and wrapped his arms around me. "Go to sleep. I'm here."

"What time is it?" I whispered, and he chuckled, which I had no reason why.

"Around 3:30, DJ's sleeping in the guest room upstairs," he reminded me. I giggled softly.

"Goodnight," I muttered into his ear, resting my head on his hard chest. He drew circles on my back with his thumb, which put me to sleep easily.


When I woke up, Blake was not next to me, and I saw he had opened the blinds. I heard all three of the guys laughing in the kitchen, and I heard my phone buzz next to me. I reached over, and grabbed it, turning on my phone. I had three texts from Maya.

Maya: can we meet up and talk somewhere?

Maya: or can I come over?

Maya: I want to talk.

I didn't know what to text back. I knew what she wanted to talk about. Of course I knew. Well, I really didn't. Whether it was our friendship, our team, our fights. Whether she wanted to make up or talk strictly business. I texted back.

Morgan: yes you can come over I have time to talk.

I placed my phone back onto the coffee table and sat up. "Good morning, guys!" I called and everyone chimed a good morning back to me. I took a deep breath. Maybe this day would start off better than my past ones have. I threw the brown blanket off of me and jumped up, looking down at what I was wearing. Basketball. If I had to wear one thing to get Maya to believe I still had my head in the game I had to wear basketball gear.

"Why are you so peppy?" Blake asked from the kitchen. I saw Blake flipping pancakes in the kitchen. Wait, Blake cooking?

"And why are you cooking?" I shot back, both of us laughing.

"Matt's coming over," Blake added and I nodded. I had always wanted to meet Matt, but now may have not been the best time. Blake had always told me about how Matt taught him how to cook most of the time. Which was great, considering neither of us could cook at all. "You never answered my question.. why so peppy?" He asked again, pouring more batter onto the frying pan. His last pancake was black and as hard as a hockey puck. DJ was tapping the pancake against the table, which even on a granite countertop, wasn't even crumbling. "Oh, let me guess, Maya texted you. She wants to clear things up." I nodded and waved to them, running towards the stairs to get ready. I jogged into my room? Our room? I didn't know what to call it now. I found a clean, new pair of basketball shorts and my Nike Basketball Never Stops shirt. Just in time to hear the bell ring. It was most likely Maya since Matt would probably go through the garage. I went down the steps and saw Maya through the window on the side of the door. I took a deep breath and slid my hands down my pants. I saw Blake walking towards the door, and he looked up to me. I held my hand up to stop him and he nodded in response, turning back to the burning smell in the kitchen. I got to the door and opened it, Maya keeping a flat face. I pushed open the storm door, and Maya whispered a "hey," I could barely hear. I tried to smile, but it didn't turn out as planned.

"Do you wanna... take a walk?" She stuttuered, keeping her gaze off of me.

"Sure." I responded, stepping inside for a second, pulling on my Nike Free Runs. We were acting like a damn couple that just broke up. It was so awkward... right now, I just wasn't even sure we could push past this. I waved to Blake who was trying to hide under the window, thinking he could eavesdrop without me noticing He groaned and waved back, returning back to the kitchen. I closed the heavy door behind me, and the storm door as well. Maya nodded and walked ahead of me down the sidewalk to the driveway. I caught up in step with her, and she dropped her gaze to her shoes. I bit my lip in disappointment. We got on the driveway and headed down to the sidewalk that went all over the gaited neighborhood. Which was a lot. My plan was to only walk down the street. Before long, we were on the sidewalk and out of view of the house.

"So... how's life been?" Maya asked me slowly, awkwardly. I sighed, this wasn't the type of conversation I wanted to have, but I didn't want to start something. I didn't know where to start this anyway.

I nodded a couple times. "Good, good." I didn't know whether this was the right thing to say, considering I had been off without Candace, Skylar and she. She nodded slowly, ad chuckled softly. "You?" I asked her, I looked over to her, our eyes connected, and then she looked back down, avoiding my gaze.

"Okay... you know, we lost the championship and..." She trailed off and I chuckled.

"You think I would miss it?" I asked her and chuckled again. She nodded, keeping her gaze down. The sidewalk must have been really interesting, since she couldn't even take her eyes off of it.

"And you're laughing?" She questioned me, and my smiled faded. "We lost the championship, Morgan, that meant everything to me." I stopped and bit my lip trying not to lose my temper. But, I was so close.

"I'm sorry," I said, putting up my hands, trying not to completely lose it. "Who was the one who kicked me off the team? I mean not to sound rude, but you basically lost the championship when you became a jackass and kicked me off!" I yelled. That gaze was still stuck to the sidewalk. I was getting sick of it. It had only been a few minutes and I was already about to get myself into a screaming match.

"Okay, I'm sorry," she said, softly, "I made a big mistake, I was just angry..."

"That doesn't give you any excuse to kick me off my team! Stop me from doing the thing I love in the most important time of my career!" I raised my voice even highed and scoffed, biting my lower lip. I could see Maya's eyes glazing over with tears, but she deserved the pain. "Oh yeah, don't you remember the party I went to with you, and you tried to hook me up with a Clippers player?"

"Yeah, but Blake is different," Maya added but I cut her off before she could say anuything else.

"How is Blake different?" I fired at her. There goes the gaze again, dropping to the floor, "What is so wrong about Blake! Why don't you like him!" My voice was getting louder, and her voice was getting quieter.

"Have you been practicing basketball?" Maya asked randomly. I narrowed my eyes.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked her. I answered her question anyway. She finally brought her gaze up and narrowed her eyes at me. How was she in any way to get mad at me. If I wanted to get back Maya's friendship I had to be honest. "Kind of. I've been busy."

"Doing what?" Her voice rose many octaves higher. Suddenly, her mood completely changed, same with her demeanor. I was shocked. "Oh, right, I remember, you were banging that boyfriend of yours." I gasped. I turned and walked away. "Morgan, stop!" Maya tried to reach for my hand but I snatched it away.

"No! Leave me the fuck alone, you bitch!" I cursed at her, whipping my hands in the air and walking forwards.

"Morgan, please, wait!" Maya called again. I stopped, but didn't face her. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean what I said. But seeing you with Blake... I don't know. Made me angry. I'm sorry, okay? I've said things that I don't mean at all. Like that. Can we just put this behind us?" I scoffed, not facing her.

"Not when you keep calling me a whore!" I called back and took off again, back up my driveway and almost into the garage, past Maya's car.

"Wait, Morgan can we please just put this behind us and be friends? Please? Forgive me?" She begged me. I turned back around and bit my lower lip to stop the pain.

"I don't think I can," I said, slowly, and I tried so hard not to cry. I could tell Maya was too.

"I think I should go," she nodded to her car and I nodded, watching her get into her car and go, for the last time.

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