Chapter 35

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Blake had been on the phone for almost an hour this morning and he locked himself in the bedroom. I kept trying to call Maya and ask her what got into her last night but she kept declining my calls. DJ even said she wasn't picking up for him. What even happened? Everything had happened so fast and it escalated so much, so quickly. I was getting fed up with Blake, he was still locked in there. I banged on the door and yelled his name to open up. "One second," I heard his voice crack and muffled. What the hell was going on? Was Blake crying? I stayed near the door, but couldn't make out anything of what he was saying. It was all muffling and whispering. I hated snooping but I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I pressed my ear to the wall and could only hear him say one thing. "Okay, okay, I love you, mom, I'll be there soon," he said, muffled into the receiver. He hung up and I heard him get off the bed. I removed my head from the wall and turned away from him, pretending not to listen. The door creaked open and I turned around slowly. Blake's eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were stained. I ran into his arms and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given him. I didn't know why he was sad, but I was going to be there for him.

"What's going on?" I asked him, softly. I almost let go of him, but he held me even longer. He didn't want to let go. He sniffled into my shoulder. He towered over me, but the way we just went together... it always felt right.

"I have to fly out to Oklahoma tomorrow, I'm going to take some time off basketball," was the only thing he said. Why was he going to Oklahoma? I realized that's where he grew up, but why now? I took a deep breath.

"Blake," I repeated again. "What is going on?" I was getting scared and I bit my lip. I could feel a lump growing in my throat and I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to make Blake more upset than he already was. He took a deep breath, still not letting me go.

"I love you." He said, his voice full of sadness, I have never heard.

"Blake." I repeated.

"My dad," he said his voice shaking and his back shaking as well. "He's gone." He gripped my hair and I realized I had never met his dad. As serious as Blake and I had gotten in such little time I had never met his parents. But yet I felt so close to them, because I was so close to him. I let one tear fall and I wiped it away, my arms were tired, so I separated from his hug. I wiped my tears and looked him right in the eyes and lifted his chin.

"Blake, it'll be okay, alright? You'll make it through this. I know it feels like the world is going to end and everything around you is going to keep going and you're going to be left behind. I know how it feels. But it'll be okay. Take as much time off as you need, as much time as you need in Oklahoma, anything, I'll support you." He nodded and he looked like he was going to cry, but he held it in.

"I love you so much," he said, rubbing circles with his thumb on my chin. "You're so beautiful."

"Blake, you can't say that right now, don't think about me, please," I resisted, staring into his eyes.

"I mean what I mean," Blake said. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Morgan." He pressed both of his fingers onto his nose. "Without him... he was my basketball inspiration. I can't play basketball without him, I can't play basketball anymore." He turned around and went into the bedroom, his mood changed to anger. He grabbed the basketball and ran downstairs, I followed him. "Blake! Blake! What are you doing!" I called but he disappeared through the back door, I just stopped on the stairs and let him do his thing. I fell onto the step and let my tears fall. How did everything go from being so perfect to so wrong in a couple days? I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know whether Blake wanted me to go with him to Oklahoma or not. I just sat on the stairs, head in my hands for what seemed like forever.

A couple hours later, Blake was still playing basketball, and I was beginning to worry. I stepped outside and it was blazing hot. I couldn't imagine how Blake was playing in this heat. I saw Blake make an amazing dunk, something I've never seen him do before and I couldn't help but allow my jaw to drop. That was pretty incredible. Blake turned and chucked the basketball and cursing. His under armour tank top, soaked in sweat. I walked towards him, his back turned to me. "Blake," I said, softy. "Come inside, please, this isn't the way. Whether you're mad... or you're sad, whatever, I can help you. It's a thousand degrees outside, please." He turned around slowly to face me, and he looked very upset. I have never seen him that upset.

"What if I'm mad and sad?" He asked me, and I smirked a little.

"Or both," I added and he nodded. I extended my hand and he grabbed it hesitantly. "We need to get you cleaned up, showered and then we need to get you a ticket to Oklahoma, alright?" He took a deep breath as we went inside. I lead him upstairs and into the bedroom. "Take a shower," i instructed, throwing a pair of clothes at him, which he didn't catch and just fell to the ground. "And then we'll get you a ticket, okay?" He shook his head.

"I'm not leaving you here, not with some crazy guy and I miss you so much even when you're standing right next to me. I want you to meet my mom, I would say my dad, but..." I shook my head and swallowed hard.

"Don't think about it, okay?" I picked his clothes up off the floor and handed them to him, this time he took the clothes. I pushed him towards the shower, and he moved two steps but then stopped. He turned back towards me and I knew what he wanted. My eyes connected with his and he smiled a little. He extended his hand to me.

"Come with me?" He asked, sheepishly. How could I say no? With what he was going through. I knew what this was going to lead to, and I didn't want that to happen. Not with Blake being that mad. I bit my lip and shook my head. "Please? I need you." He whimpered. Okay, now, how could I say no? I was just going to make sure we weren't going to do something both of us would regret. I bit my lip and looked down to the ground. "I'm scared." Now, I couldn't say no. I grabbed his hand and followed him into the bathroom. He closed and locked the door behind us, probably worried DJ or Chris would try and come in. He tilted my chin up to his level, and our lips connected. He removed his shirt and disconnected from our kiss. I turned on the water, to a heated temperature and waited for the water to heat up. I slid off my socks and pants, along with my shirt, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. Blake brought me into an unexpected hug. It was a full on embrace, and he nearly squeezed me to death. I felt a couple hot tears hit my shoulder, which sent me into tears. He unclasped my bra from the back and I slid off my underwear. I walked into the shower, which felt great on my skin. After everything that's happened, it felt amazing. Blake joined me, he lifted my lips to his. "You're coming to Oklahoma with me."

I hope yall like the chapter, keep up the voting and such! Yall are awesome. Comment what you want to happen in Oklahoma!😉

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