Chapter 101

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The whole room was blurry, as I rubbed my eyes to see it more clearly. I was in a hospital bed. There was an IV in my arm, and I was hooked up to many machines. Nobody was in the room, as I tried to move but everything hurt. I groaned, and shifted a little to make myself more comfortable. It was night time as I could see some of the night lights and I heard the cars honking and sirens in the distance.

"You're awake," I heard Blake's voice say from the doorway.

"Hey," my voice didn't even sound the same. It was muffled and hoarse as I coughed. "What the hell happened?" He moved into the room, dropping a bouquet of flowers onto the table, and scooting the chair up next to me and interlaced our fingers. He kissed them lightly and looked into my eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"Chris had his surgery done," Blake began, "He did okay. I guess he did good because he's alive. He's not breathing on his own yet. He's not awake. He may never wake up. There's a fifty percent chance he won't." I nodded and swallowed, feeling the emotion build up behind my eyes. I pursed my lips and nodded, trying not to cry. I took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm myself down. "You know you can cry, Morgan," he told me. His eyes were swollen from so much crying. "You're not going to be weak if you cry. You've been strong for too long. You can cry." I nodded as the hot tears slipped down my face. I sniffled and let a breath out, as more tears slipped down my face. There was a knock at the door and the doctor was standing there. Blake grabbed my hand again and kissed my fingers. I smiled to the doctor as he walked in.

"Glad to see you're awake," he greeted me, outstretching his hand. I shook his hand and then returned it to the safety of Blake. "Doctor Friedas. You passed out and have been out for a long time. Sometimes when we have so much overwhelming us that is how our body reacts. Also, through heart attacks, strokes, it's all due to grief."

"So, people can die from... grief and heartbreak?" Blake asked the doctor, his grip tightening around my hand.

"Well... Yes," The doctor said, sitting down next to Blake. "But the likelihood of that happening, isn't quite likely." A breath of relief escaped Blake's lips.

"I need to get out of here," I told the doctor, my hand falling limp in Blake's grasp. "My friend..."

The doctor put his hand up and interrupted me. "I'm well aware of the situation. I can get you out of here as long as you promise to take it easy."

"I can try, but honestly, I can't promise you," I admitted. The doctor took a deep breath and viewed my vitals and paperwork on the board.

"Then, I'm gonna have to keep you for the night, just tonight, just to monitor and make sure everything is okay," he told me, as I nodded, lacing my fingers together. He set an orange bottle of pills on the bedside table and added a small smile. "Just take two of these right now, and I'll get a nurse to wake you up and let you know when your next dosage is." I nodded, as he stood up, shaking my hand, Blake following him out of the room. I watched Blake and the Doctor walk out and away from the room. I grabbed the bottle of pills, which seemed to be serious, hard narcotics. I read the back and rolled the bottle in my hand. I wrapped my hand around the cap of the bottle and opened it, looking at the purple and blue candies in the bottle. I was in a trance with them. This is it. It could happen right here. I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I poured half the bottle in my hand, and rolled the mass of pills around in my fingers. I wouldn't have to worry about Chris anymore, I wouldn't have to live with what I had done. A few tears rolled from my cheeks. Blake would be devastated. I swallowed hard and put the pills back in the bottle. No, I couldn't do this to him. I couldn't just leave him, I was strong. I was strong. I took the two as I was instructed, and slammed the bottle back onto the table. I burst back into hysterics into my hands.

"I'm such a fucking mess," I told myself, trying to get myself under control to not work myself up even more than I already was to not hurt myself. I took some calming deep breaths that did work a little. My breath was shaky, as my hands slipped down from my face. I put my hands on my thighs and ran them up and down which always calmed me down. Sure enough, it worked. "I need to get out of here... I need to get out of here," I searched around my bed for the red button to call the nurse. I pressed it several times, as the nurse came running in, searching around for what was wrong. "You need to bring me my discharge papers," I told her as calmly as I could, but I was shaking.

"I really think..."

I interrupted her before she could continue, "I don't care what you think. I'm fine, I'm fine, and I need to get out of here." I felt sweat growing under my lips and on my forehead.

"I need to consult the doctor," she told me, flatly.

"No, you don't," I refused, "Bring me my discharge papers. Now!" The nurse opened her mouth to speak back, but closed it, scurrying off out of the room. I grabbed the tape from the IV in my room, and snatched the needle out of my arm, as it dropped to the ground. I yanked all of the wires off my chest, as I threw them onto the ground in a huff.

"Morgan, what are you doing?" I heard the doctor's voice from the door. Blake was next to him, concern filling his brown eyes.

"I need to get out of here," I told him, lifting the sheets up to the headboard of the bed. "That nurse better be getting my discharge papers. I don't need to stay here, I actually need to go, okay?" I barked, grabbing the bedside metal rod to steady myself. My heart was beating faster and faster as I gripped the rod as tight as I could and then let it go. "Is she coming with my discharge papers?" I barked, the whole hallway probably heard me, but I didn't care. The doctor opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. Since nobody was going to take drastic actions, I was. I slid my gown off, exposing my breasts and my neon pink thong, as the doctor coughed and Blake gasped. I searched for my clothes, finding them on the nightstand. I bent down right in front of the doctor and Blake to grab my shoes.

"Enough! Stop," Blake said, covering me up.

"I'll go get those papers," the doctor mumbled, scurrying off and closing the door behind him. I slid on my pants as Blake grabbed my arm.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He barked. I ripped my arm away from his grasp but he grabbed it again, staring into my eyes, anger boiling from his pupils.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" I yelled, Blake shushed me so I calmed down a little. "My problem is that everything around me is falling apart! And I need to get out of here now, I need to be there for Chris."

"We are all falling apart! Do you think it's only you?" Blake yelled at me, letting my arm go. I slid on my shirt and socks, rolling my eyes. "We... are falling apart."

"You could at least support me," I snapped, irritably. Blake sat back into the chair as the nurse brought the discharge papers. She avoided looking me in the eye and dropped me the clipboard. I signed the papers immediately, throwing the clipboard onto the bed and slipping on my shoes and grabbing my bag. I left without bringing Blake with me as I stormed through the door to go and see Chris.

I'm busy holding myself together with tape and glue•

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