Chapter 96

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It was official. I had to get new couches. Sleeping on the couch was not my ideal idea on the perfect night. My back ached horribly as I stood up and stretched. Ow, fuck, that hurt. It was late, it was 12:30, I normally didn't sleep that long. I took out my hair tie and retied my hair as the doorbell rang.

"Blake! Can you get the door?" I called, up the stairs as I folded the blanket up on the couch. I heard Blake running down the stairs to the door. I heard Blake open up the door, and I heard a woman's voice. I heard them talking for a few moments, before Blake called me down. I walked through the living room and foyer to see Blake holding the door open. I walked around the door to see a short woman standing there. She looked so familiar... where had I known her from?

"Morgan, oh, Morgan," she brought me into a hug and I was trying to think. "It's Hannah... she has cancer and she needs a transplant and we haven't been able to get one." Oh. My. God. This was Hannah's adopted Mom. Kelly. I hadn't seen her in forever. Blake was standing right there. I stopped her.

"Please, please, come in," I motioned her inside, as Blake stepped aside, wondering what the hell was going on. Kelly stepped inside and gazed around the house.

"Wow," she said, breathlessly. "I can't really talk long... but Tom and I looked everywhere for your address and I'm so happy we actually found you!" She wrapped me in another hug, as she was trying not to cry. So this was going to be the way Blake found out. After this, he would be pissed. He would argue with me, he would storm away. Here comes another night on the couch. Delightful. Cynthia was right. Blake was going to find out sooner than later, and now he would know, and I would still be that person that couldn't open up about anything. "It's so good to see you. See that you're doing well, you deserve it."

Blake looked quizzically at me and raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Kelly," she said, outstretching her hand to Blake, who took it hesitantly. "I'm Hannah's mother. Adoptive mother." Blake narrowed his eyes and looked to Kelly and then to me. Kelly took a sharp breath as I mouthed to her that I haven't told Blake yet. "You haven't told him... oh," she said, nodding and looking to the ground. Blake nodded, muttering something and walked away, this was going to be a story to tell. "Hannah was diagnosed with cancer a year ago. Everything was going to be fine... now she needs a transplant. For the past few months we've been waiting and now she doesn't have much time..." Kelly wiped her tears away, "they said the only way she could get moved up is a payment which is way out of my reach or to get a biological family member to donate. They said her mother would be the best candidate. I searched high and low for you." I took a sharp breath.

"You want me to... donate a kidney?" I asked her, slowly and she nodded slowly but opened her mouth to speak.

"I know it seems like a lot to ask," she said slowly, "it is a lot to ask. Hannah needs this, Morgan. She's gonna die."

"How much money?" I asked her, biting my lower lip trying not to cry. I never knew Hannah, but I knew how much a child mattered to a mother. Hannah meant the world to Kelly.

"100,000 to get her moved up the list," she said, rubbing her hands together nervously. "And even then it would still be a month she doesn't have." My voice quivered as I bit my lip again, feeling the hot tears in the corner of my eye. Wow. A kidney. One of my organs. That was a lot to ask. "I know it's really a lot to ask. It's too much to ask."

"Is she in LA?" I asked Kelly, "Can I... Can I see her?" Kelly thought about it for a minute and smiled to me.

"Of course I would have to ask Hannah, but I'm sure she would be okay with it," Kelly said, taking a sharp breath. "I would love for you to see her again. She's turning ten in a week."

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