Chapter 128

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"You're gonna be great out there, trust me," Paige added a reassuring smile, which helped calm my nerves. The coaches had allowed for me to take Paige back into the locker room, it was twenty minutes until showtime. I took a deep breath, snapping my fingers by my side. "You and Blake had good luck sex last night, it's all good." My face flushed Crimson when she said this. "Oh, trust me, everyone could hear." I groaned and rolled my eyes. I woke up with a killer headache and super sore thighs, which I knew meant one thing.

"I do remember seducing him last night," I admitted, remembering how bold and aggressive I was last night. I did really like that side of Morgan in the bed, maybe she would make an appearance more often. I tuned my attention back into the now, my game. "I just... I can't believe it's finally here. My first game is finally here. The first game. Wow."

"Are you going to keep fumbling your words at me or are you going to get out there and start practicing like the rest of the girls?" Paige folded her arms across her chest, a smile played on her lips. I had just now noticed that all the girls were out on the court, the arena filled all the way up, and I was the only one in the locker room. "Everyone is probably wondering where you are." As if on cue, Candace jogged into the locker room.

"Morgan! Everyone is asking for you," Candace beckoned me, pushing me towards the door. "Act like you don't even want to play the first damn game." I waved to Paige, and she waved back as I stepped out of the locker room and onto the court. The immediate cheers filled the arena, once they saw me. "All these fucking teenage girls coming to basketball games now just to see you."

"What's got you in such a bad mood?" I narrowed my eyes at her, full of disgust.

"My problem is that now all these stupid fan girls are coming to our games to see you! You're not even a basketball player anymore... you're a fucking superstar model or some shit like that," I really didn't want to argue with Candace right before our first game, especially since we had been getting along really well the past few weeks. I didn't know why she was lashing out at me like this now. Probably pre-game nerves or something like that. "Look, you go model and dress nice and act pretty for all your fans. Leave the basketball playing to us." She walked away from me, picking up a ball from the rack and beginning to shoot lay-ups.

Oh, it was on. I was going to play better than I ever have before. I was going to prove to Candace, the team, the coaches, the owners, that I wasn't prissy. I eyed Hannah sitting in Blake's lap on the sideline as they waved to me. Her smile had brightened up my mood, as I smiled to my husband and daughter back. Soon Hannah would probably be in the media, and Blake and I still weren't sure how we were going to address the situation. If we told the truth, that would change a lot. And I just wasn't sure if I was ready to come out to the world about Hannah.


The Sparks had won the first game of the season, all thanks to my winning three point shot. After the whole team had celebrated, most girls congratulating me, I couldn't help but notice Candace was the only one that didn't congratulate me. Twenty seven points, four assists and twelve rebounds... not too shabby.

After a few meetings with news reporters, taking pictures with a few fans and then a post-game conference, I was sure Blake was already back home, as I made my way there. I walked inside, expecting to see everyone there, but the house was completely silent. I didn't even hear Hannah.

"Blake?" I called out, my voice echoing along the walls of the house. I heard something break upstairs, I dropped my duffel bag and raced up the stairs into my bedroom. I saw Blake sitting on the bed, his hands wrapped around his face, our lamp shattered into pieces on the floor, the wall with a dent by what looked like his fist. "Blake, what the fuck is going on?" Once he heard my voice, his anger-filled eyes jumped off the bed and wrapped me in a hug.

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