Chapter 62

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"I don't know, Morgan, I guess you were right, I guess Serge and I weren't going to last." Mays grumbled into the phone, obviously sounding a little hurt.

"How did it go down?" I asked her and she took a deep breath on the other line.

"I just told him about what happened, about how DJ has feelings for me now, and I think I have feelings for him. He just got pissed, punched a hole through my wall, and yelled, 'why don't you go suck DeAndre's dick then?' That was it."

"On the bright side, now you have DJ, which is what you wanted." I told her and she took another deep breath.

"Yeah, and on the dark side I have to pay to get my wall fixed," she retorted and I chuckled a little. "Well, I'm going out to dinner with Skylar, I'll text you later?"

"Sounds good to me, bye," I said and hung up the phone. I wanted to be there for Maya, I really did, since I got her into that mess. I needed her to know we weren't friends. That we weren't going to be okay. I moved onto instagram, checking to see if anyone had posted anything about the game. The first thing that popped up on my timeline was something Blake had posted. It was the picture of us, kissing, that we had framed on the wall. I raised my eyebrows and moved down to the caption that was a long paragraph. I didn't know what he was going to say, but I read it anyways.

Love is a strong word. But I love this strong girl, with all of my heart. Through our ups and downs, I have never not cared or loved you. You are the number one person in my life, and you've been through so much with me, but that's part of life. Every time you're startin' to come up, something happens to bring you right back down. But, that's okay. Cause if I am at the bottom, it won't matter to me, as long as you're by my side. Through every dark night there is a brighter day and we have lived through it all. But... I need you to know I will forever love you, and I miss you like crazy. Time to come home? -Love, B.

Okay, what he fuck just happened? Blake was horribly mad one second, he wasn't talking to me or anyone, and now he is completely fine? He missed me? He loved me? He wanted me to come home? I always knew Blake's mood swings were challenging to understand, but this had to take the gold. Maybe I was wrong about Blake, maybe he was strong, maybe he could come through a lot of things. My phone played Keep Ya Head Up by Tupac, Blake's text tone, and it flashed with a new message. I opened it, only to see a paragraph in front of my face.

Hey, baby, I'm sorry I can't call you right now, I really want to hear your voice. When I was out on that court today, I wasn't playing good, and I know you were watching. The reason being, I was just doing so much thinking, and I couldn't concentrate. But after I got in that fight, I realized what am I even fighting for? I already have the girl of my dreams, the only girl in the world that I can feel absolutely complete with. I realized if I was acting like a dick to you, that's on me. Because my princess does not deserve that. Ever. I miss your voice, your presence, your touch, everything. I swear I'm going to go crazy if I am left in this house all alone one more day. It's so quiet without you here. When you said "I love you" that one night and I didn't say it back, don't think for a second that I didn't love you. I was just upset. Whatever happens, I will always love you.

My heart fluttered big time, and I read the message over and over and screeched with joy, jumping out of the chair and running back inside to pack. Now I was eager to be getting home. I couldn't wait to go home and see Blake, I didn't even realize how much I missed Blake until now, missed everything. I piled all my clothes into my suit case, eager to leave, I would miss my cousins, but I would keep in touch this time. A promise was a promise.


After a heartfelt goodbye, and lots of shared hugs, I was jetted back home, real home, Los Angeles. Home was wherever the heart was, and my heart would always be with Blake. I was nervous to see him, but surely with what all we have been through, it had proven that we were strong enough, our relationship was strong enough to be together. Unlike Maya and Serge. I would have to call her. But for now, I tucked that in the back of my brain.

"Hey, baby," Blake said into the phone, sexily. It took me a second to regroup... gosh, I had really missed his voice. I took a deep sigh of relief. "What?" Blake asked, laughing.

"I've missed hearing your voice... so much," My heart fluttered and I was so happy I was seeing him in a few minutes. "I'm right outside of the pickup... Oh, I see you." I saw Blake's new Mercedes, and he was smiling when he saw me. I instantly smiled, and almost felt the need to cry. It felt as though I hadn't seen him in months. He jumped out of the car and wrapped himself into his arms, picking me up and spinning me around. He kissed me all over and I shed a few tears of joy. He grabbed my bags and helped me put them into the trunk.

"I've missed you so much," he grabbed me cheeks and smushed my lips together, connecting our lips again. "I love you so much, I would serenade you. If I could sing."

"You're perfect the way you are," I smiled to him, as he closed the trunk. He stared at me for a few more moments, before biting his lip, and turning around walking to the car. I stood up, leaning off the car and walked to the passenger seat, where Blake waited. I got into the car, and smiled to Blake once more before he took off away from the airport. To home.

I just want to thank everyone so so so so much for reading:) you have no idea how much it means to me. Thank you so much, again.

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