Chapter 129

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"Blake! Blake!" I shouted through the house, dropping my purse at the front door. I heard him call my name and I dodged into the kitchen, where I saw him tackling Chaney and Cody.

Blake and I were leaving for our honeymoon in two days. He still wasn't telling me where we were going and there was no way to find out since we were taking a private jet. I was really hoping Oahu or Tahiti, but I knew Blake was going to get the best.

"I just saw Russell at Starbucks, he's the one who got the tape," I admitted relief flooding through my body once I told Blake. Blake's face changed from happiness to anger real quick. He bit the inside of his cheek, letting me continue. "He said that the only way he won't release it is if I sleep with him. He told me that if I tell you or anyone he'll release it immediately, but I don't know what to do!" I wailed. Blake stood up and wrapped his buff arms around me. I honestly didn't know what to do, that's why I left it to Blake. Blake would know what to do. And it felt amazing to tell him about this... if only I did a long time ago.

"Just let me take care of this, alright?" He meant to ask me, but it came out as more of a statement if anything. He searched my eyes for an answer, so I responded.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes. Sure, Russell had both of our careers in the palm of his hand, but I didn't want Blake to hurt him. Physically. More importantly, I didn't want him to tell Blake about some of the stuff in grotesque detail, that happened between us. Because that would end up in another screaming match, which I wasn't in the mood for after Blake and I had been getting along so well lately, with our honeymoon coming up.

"When does he want to fuck you?" Blake avoided my question, staring into my eyes.

"Tomorrow night," I answered, honestly. "Blake, what are you going to do?"

"Thank you," Blake added with a smile and a swift kiss on my forehead before walking away. I rolled my eyes and chased after him. I grabbed his bicep, which I could barely get ahold of and tried to spin him around to face me like he normally could do to me but he was so big and strong, he didn't even budge.

"Blake!" I pouted, pulling again. He finally faced me, a smile planted on his face. "I'm going with you tomorrow."

"No, you're not," Blake added, before turning to walk away but I got ahold of him this time.

"Yes, I am, to help you not do something you might regret," I crossed my arms and stood my ground.

"Like what? Slam his fucking smug face into a brick wall like I've been wanting to do for the past ten months?" I kept my face stern. "Fine, you can come." I was relieved and took a deep breath. Blake walked away from me, leaving me in the darkness of the living room.

Blake's mother and my parents had left last night, Paige and Regan were leaving tomorrow, and I could tell DJ and Matt might miss them as much as I would. I really wanted them to come out and live in LA, but I knew there was no chance. I didn't give my parents the money, and was still stuck on the decision. I knew in my heart it was right but my mind was telling me it was wrong. Hannah's caretaker had also gotten in contact with me, saying she was going to court to get full custody of Hannah. There was no chance that was happening. When I was just deep in thought about it, Cynthia was calling me.

"Cynthia?" I asked into the phone, wondering why she was calling me.

"Morgan, I know you are so busy with everything but I just wanted to thank you for having us... it really meant a lot," My heart warmed when she said this and I couldn't help but smile. "I also wanted to thank you so so much for the money, Now your father can hopefully live a little longer..." She trailed off and I couldn't hear until I realized I had dropped my phone. I picked it back up.

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