Chapter 14

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The team was in Minnesota for game five. Game four had been lost to Minnesota, and same with Game Three. The games were 1-4 the Sparks, my team, had a slim chance of winning. The team did look pretty weak without me, and I wasn't just saying that out of pure cockiness. I hadn't talked to anyone. Texted, called, anything. If they didn't bother to text me or call me about anything, why should I? They clearly didn't miss me, and everyone clearly sided with Team Captain, Maya.

"Are you okay, Morgan?" Blake knocked me out off my thoughts about the team and Maya. "You seem pretty distant." I nodded slightly, and looked to the ground, twirling my fork in my pasta. Blake and I were at a little restaurant around the corner from the Staples Center, which we decided to try out of pure curiosity. "I know you have a lot to think about," Blake reassured. I just nodded, not saying anything. Blake got out his wallet, and dropped a fifty onto the table. He stood up and extended his hand to me, and motioned me up. I looked to the money.

"That's way more than the meal costed," I resisted, pointing to the money. He twiddled his fingers, motioning for me to grab his hand and stand up.

When I didn't look convinced, Blake added, "it's fine, c'mon, babe." I grabbed his hand and he lead me out of the restaurant. That was the first time Blake ever called me babe, and it was different. A good different. Blake and I intertwined our fingers and walked down the sidewalk to the car, which was parked a few blocks down. Blake seemed a little down, and I felt bad that my attitude was dragging his mood down. I looked up to him, until he looked to me.

"It's not you," I assured him and tried to put on a smile. He only smirked and then looked back to the ground. I looked back over to him, grabbing his cheeks, and bringing his soft lips to mine. Our lips molded together easily, and he instantly pushed his tongue into my mouth which I oddly enjoyed. Our tongues went in sync, and I separated from him. This time he smiled.

"I know it's not me, and I should be happy, trying to lift your spirits a little," he said, looking back down to his shoes. We arrived at the car and Blake opened the door for me, as I slid in. I put on my seatbelt and waited for Blake to come in, which happened only a few seconds later. Blake left the corner we were parked on and went to my house. My house looked dark and and unwelcoming. I realized why everyone had told me not to buy a big house to live all alone with my dog. Blake came up to the house and parked. I didn't want to get out of the car but knew I had too. "Do you want me to come in with you? I know you might need your space, though." I nodded.

"Please stay with me," I whispered to him, finding his gaze in my eyes. He smiled and kissed me lightly exiting the car. All I wanted was Blake right now. I was missing my team, and teammates, which was unfortunate. This was my first season, and being away from the team would be hard. Blake and I walked up to the front door, and I got out my key, opening the door. I took off my shoes as soon as I got in. Blake followed behind me, as I made the trek to the living room, collapsing on the couch. Fuck big houses. Blake sat next to me, and rubbed my shoulder protectively. He lifted up my head, and rested it onto his lap. "Will you think any less of me if I cried?" I asked Blake, when I felt the huge lump in my throat and tears brimming my eyes.

"I'll actually feel better if you do, you need too," Blake assured me, and I let one tear that I had been holding in, or at least attempting to. It made a little mark on Blake's white basketball shorts and I traced them over and over with my finger, as more tears fell. I sniffled softly and let more tears fall. I wasn't even thinking, I just needed to cry. I blew everything. I blew my first year on the team during championships, the only thing that mattered. I blew one of my three closest friendships, girls that is, and I don't think they had any intentions on talking to me. Skylar and Candace were just followers. They only followed Maya. That was it. I had no chance as long as Maya and I were apart. There was no telling how long that would be. "You're a quiet cryer," Blake whispered and I stifled a giggle a little. "Wow, I made you laugh, I feel accomplished." I sat myself up attempting to smile.

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