Campus 16

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Bai Tang's agility, with a movement of her body, she shook off the unknown object that touched her shoulder, and quickly ran to the corner...with the quilt covering her head.

Bai Tang shuddered: "Ball... I'm so scared"

The system held Bai Tang tightly in tears: "I am also afraid of the host, the host, and the master."

One person and one system shrank each other in the corner and shivered.

The "patta" lights came on, and the bedroom suddenly opened up.

Hudson reached over to the bag and found that it was shaking even more.


System: "The host is the male protagonist. The monsters and ghosts are most afraid of the halo on the Son of Destiny."

When Bai Tang heard this, she suddenly lifted the quilt and threw herself into Hudson's arms.

"Hudson, I'm so afraid..."

Perhaps finding a sense of security, tears rolled down his cheeks involuntarily, soaking Hudson's T-shirt.

It is said that women are made of water, and Bai Tang is almost the same. Tears are pouring out, and there is a tendency to become more and more fierce.

When Hudson listened to Bai Tang's cry, his heart twitched.

He patted the back of the white squirrel Tang in his arms and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here, I won't leave you alone in the future..."

Glancing at the laptop, the film has ended, and the bloody English is frozen on the screen. His pupils contracted and he covered the notebook with one hand.

Hudson opened the drawer and opened the small bag of nuts. "Eat?"

Bai Tang, the first typical fruit, was coaxed by Hudson and smiled, "Thank you, Hudson."

The department, the single dog, who was stimulated by this scene, said quietly: "The host has to continue watching, at least ten books."

Bai Tang was stunned, and some crystal clear liquid began to gather in his eyes.

Hudson hurriedly coaxed: "What's the matter, what happened, I'll solve it with you?"

During the days when Bai Tang was recovering, he gradually understood his feelings for Bai Tang. It is also because of this that he spent a lot of effort to talk to his parents and get the support of the family. And the next step is to take the little squirrel home.
"I want to watch a horror movie." Bai Tang refused from the inside out. But there was no way, the system refused to help him write the thesis, so he had to do it himself.

"It's okay, I'll accompany you."

The system, which was stuffed with rations, inadvertently glanced at the progress bar of the plot, and the red line reached 65%. Then, excited.

"Host host, our mission..."

I saw Hudson taking off his shoes and sitting on Bai Tang's bed, hugging Bai Tang who was squatting from time to time, pouring water and peeling the seeds. On the screen is a white ghost in a transparent plastic bag climbing down the stairs. The old wooden stairs can't bear the pressure and make a "squeak" sound.

The female ghost slowly turned her face, her pale face was two empty eye sockets...

Bai Tang: "Ah—"

System: "Ah—"

Bai Tang shivered and arched into Hudson's arms, and Hudson accepted the little squirrel's embrace as he wished. The system had nowhere to hide, and the connection between them was cut off by the righteous Bai Tang. Its energy is weak now, and everything it sees depends on its connection with Bai Tang. If the connection is broken, those terrifying movie pictures will naturally be invisible.

However... cutting off contact also means being locked in a small dark room.

"Host, let me out, let me out, I'm afraid of the dark, so dark, don't come here, there are ghosts, let me out..."

When the scene of the female ghost passed, Hudson said warmly, "No more."

Bai Tang was dubious and turned his head slightly, revealing a little light from between his fingers.

Sure enough, the scene of the movie arrived in broad daylight. During the day, ghosts will not appear, which is the usual routine of ghost movies.

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