The Return of the Watch Kid!

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We Open up in A Night over New Tokyo as A Bunch of Knights on Steel armor were Moving Alien weapons and even stuff like scouters into A Truck as you then showed up.

Y/n: Nights? Huh? What are you all doing here? This isn't Europe or the 12th century!

Knight 1: It's one of those guys the King warned of us!

Y/n: King? What King?

Knight 2: Kill him now!

They all then Pulled out A Bunch of Lances and began shooting A Bunch of Plasma blasts at you which you had to dodge!

Y/n: Okay I have to fight, I Guess. Hmm... (Looks at the Power Glove) Eh, why not? I could use an Alien. (Scrolling through) No, No, No, No, No, why? No. Aha! This one Looks Good!

You then slapped it, and you then began to transform into A Powerful armored Alien with Pistol arms and A Drill!

Y/n: Armodrillo!!!

They all Kept on firing at you, but they never pierced your armor as you began cocking the Pistons in your arms back as you then slammed them into the ground which began to shake everything Like a Small Localized Earthquake Knocking almost all of ...

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They all Kept on firing at you, but they never pierced your armor as you began cocking the Pistons in your arms back as you then slammed them into the ground which began to shake everything Like a Small Localized Earthquake Knocking almost all of them out, but suddenly A Portal Opened up and Ben swooped in his Rath form!


One of them then hits him in the face with A Blast but it did nothing.

Rath: That was your second Mistake!! Shooting Rath only make Rath angry!!

He then began bashing them around as you Just Returned back to Normal and Ben did the same As well.

Y/n: Ben! What are you doing here?

Ben: Oh Hey Y/n. Taking care of Gwen?

Y/n: Yeah, but I asked you A Question?

Ben: Sorry the Problem is I feel like One of my enemies had gotten to your world.

Y/n: Who is it?

Ben: The Forever Knights.

Y/n: The Who?

Ben: They are A Group of People who were Originally supposed to stop this Great Evil but slowly over time they grew corrupted and began to commit terrible crimes against all Aliens until they become this Anti-Alien Killing Group. They are led by Multiple Forever Kings, the current One being Chadwick, who isn't A Nice Guy at all.

Y/n: I see. So, what do we do? How do we find them?

Ben: That's why I came to you. I could use your Help.

Y/n: Really?

Ben: Yep, so, can you?

Y/n: Of course, I can. I'm not having no Racist Knights in my Town. I have Alien girlfriends!

Ben: Good. Now They should be-

Y/n: Hold onto me. I Know I can track their energy.

Ben: Thanks. I Knew I could rely on you. Now Let's Kick some Forever Knight Butts!

Y/n: Hell, yeah Brother! Let's do this!

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