Studying with Nano!

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Soon there was A Test in Biology class to study the Biology of the Cells of Simple Organisms Such as Bananas and even the very simple and very similar to humans, yeast.

You were sitting at A Table with Nano as you had Begun to take A Microscope and A Sample of A Banana Cell.

Nano: Okay now we Must get this started.

Nano then Pulled out the Textbook but you stopped her.

Y/n: Nano.

Nano: But that is the most efficient is way. By Copying the Answers of people who have already experimented then we can do this experiment in the most efficient way possible.

Y/n: Nano we are doing this the correct way. Besides You're very Smart, I Know you can do it.

Nano then Began to Blush as she ended up getting up and Began writing Pi on A Blackboard up to the 10th Digit before she sat back down.

Y/n: Are you Okay?

Nano: It is Okay you Just made me feel flustered.

Y/n: Right. Now we are supposed to show the Cells in Action in things such as Exposing it to Water, High Amounts of Oxygen, and A Lack of Oxygen. We Must Make A Hypothesis and Since A banana is A Plant we can make some safe Assumptions but yeast is A Much Stranger deal.

Nano: We can make A Safe Assumption based on the structure of the Cells of the Yeast and Considering how interacts with Moisture and heat we have A Good Idea of what it does in those conditions.

Y/n: Yep, that's my beautiful and Smart girlfriend right there!

Nano: ...

Nano then got up and went back to the Blackboard and then counted Pi to the 20th Digit.

Nano: I'm good Now.

Y/n: Good.

Several experiments Later...

You had Made Nano flustered so Many times that she literally ended up counting Pi so Many times that it soon led up to the 150th Digit, and of course, things ended on time.

Y/n: Alright then We're done.

Nano: Good. I suppose that way was very Efficient.

Y/n: You Know You're my adorable Efficient girlfriend~

Nano then tried to write on the blackboard again but you stopped her.

Y/n: Maybe Instead I can get you something to eat?

Nano: Yes, that would be Nice. Maybe something calorie Dense and Nutritious.

Y/n: I'll get you one of Mochi Donuts.

Nano: That is Good too.

Y/n: Perfect!

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