The Final Battle against Pizza Face!/ The Pizza Tower Collapses!

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Soon the Three of you had finally made it to the top of the Pizza Tower where Pizza Face was Flying there evilly snickering.


Y/n: Yeah, You sicko!!

Math: Yeah!!

Pizza Face: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't understand! The Truth is the Former Owner Peppino destroyed my Business so I Planned on ruining him!

You all then quickly noticed there was no Cannon!

Y/n: Wait, A Second there isn't A Canon! He Tricked us!

Peppina: WHAT DID YOU DO!?

Pizza Face: Oh I Just wanted to make him abandon his restaurant! Now Let me show who I truly am!

Just then Pizza's face slowly landed on the floor and Just then His cheesy Face Opened up as A Figure walked out!

Pizza Head: Ta-da! I'm Pizza Head! Nice to meet all Three of Ya!

Pizza Head: Ta-da! I'm Pizza Head! Nice to meet all Three of Ya!

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Peppina: Pizza... Head?

Y/n: Wait A Second. You're that Mascot that we saw in the first Level!

Pizza head: Indeed I am! You see Peppino was A Friend Of Mine who turned on us and built his own Business then reported us for "Unsafe working Conditions" After the inspector died we were shut out of Business, so I wanted to make him worry until I realized this girl here bought the Place!


Math: Wait, wouldn't that make you A Bad Business owner and the Bad Guy?

Y/n: Yeah and what's going to prevent us from Kicking your ass?

Pizza Head: Because I have this!

He then Pulls out A Pistol!

Pizza Head: Now prepare to-!

He then Pulled the Trigger but without checking where he was Facing the Barrel he shot himself in the face killing himself.

Y/n: Wow. So... We won right?

Just then the Tower Began Collapsing in on itself as you grabbed Peppina and Math!

Y/n: Hold on!

You then Began Instantly Transmitting as you grabbed each of the Bosses you fought so Far, Pepper girl, the Vigil, and even Noise-chan before you all Grabbed Snottia as well and thankfully everyone was able to get before the Tower collapsed!

Y/n: Whew! We avoided that Disaster!

Peppina: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Peppina: I wanted to thank you for helping me so Much. I never would have made it without you and... (Blushing) Here!

She then Kissed you on the cheek.

Y/n: (Blushing) Oh Wow... I...

Noise-chan: Hey!! I was Planning on doing so too!

Noise-chan then Pushed Peppina out of rhw way!

Peppina: FUCK!

She then tried to Kiss you but then Pepper Girl, Vigil, and Snottia all wanted some too!

Math: (Chuckles) I Guess you have A Pizza Harem in your Harem now too, Huh?

Y/n: Yeah, I Guess so...

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