Komi's Fluffy Friend!

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We continued up at School where Komi continued to Hang out with her new Friend Rumiko who pretty much was talking the entire time since Komi wasn't, and you and Najimi were watching.

Y/n: Wow, they are such Good Friends.

Najimi: I Know, They're Like two same but different People! You Know we could go on A Double Date~

Y/n: You think they would be A Good Match?

Najimi: Of course! Look at them! They're almost the exact same person!

Y/n: Yeah, except Socially.

Rumiko: Oh, Komi You know what we should do?

Komi: "What is it?"

Rumiko: We should go on A Double date or something like that. You Know me and Y/n and you and whoever you're going out with! I mean you can Probably get any guy or girl you want; I mean you're Just Perfect, you know!

Komi "I have A Boyfriend."

Rumiko: Oh, really who is it?

Komi: "Y-Y/n..."

Rumiko: Oh. Ooooooh, I didn't know that he was already Taken by you of all People I am so sorry, I mean you two make such A Great Match and-

Komi "He has A Harem."

Rumiko: Oh! That Makes Such a Good development!

Komi "Of course"

Rumiko: I Like you so Much already! You're so Nice!

Back with you and Najimi you were both watching from Afar, as Someone Approached Komi.

Y/n: Huh? Fuwa? What is she doing?

Najimi: I Guess she Just wants to Talk to Komi.

Y/n: You Know Fuwa is Like the Cuddliest Girl out of everyone here.

Najimi: Because she's-?

Y/n: Fluffy, yes.

Fuwa: Hi, Komi-San.

Komi: Eep!

Rumiko: Oh, Is A Friend of yours? Hi I'm Rumiko! You are?

Fuwa: Fuwa-San.

Fuwa Masuko (She is One of Komi's Friends and Classmates/ She is pretty Much the embodiment of A Teddy Bear/ She has the Personality of A Panda Bear and The Fluffiness of A Marshmallow/ She can be shy sometimes too/ She likes it when Komi touches ...

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Fuwa Masuko (She is One of Komi's Friends and Classmates/ She is pretty Much the embodiment of A Teddy Bear/ She has the Personality of A Panda Bear and The Fluffiness of A Marshmallow/ She can be shy sometimes too/ She likes it when Komi touches her fluffy belly)

Komi: "What do you need Fuwa-San?"

Fuwa then froze up as she forgot what she was going to do out of pure nervousness.

Y/n: Aw, Crap Fuwa forgot again!

Najimi: Don't worry about it, It always works out. I mean Komi Loves her Belly.

Y/n: Same.

Fuwa and Komi Just stood there both of them not saying anything until Fuwa began Patting her own belly Inviting Komi to Touch it and Komi then decided to accept that Invite and began Poking it, while blushing, and Rumiko smiled.

Rumiko: Aww, that is so Cute! You two are so Cute! I Love that!

Komi then Blushed as Fuwa did the same.

Y/n: So Cute!

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