Here's the Unfeeling Girl!

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After Asuka had beat the Crap out of you after seeing you with Misato standing over you in bed, You were now walking around with Shinji around the Facility.

Y/n: Hey Shinji can you try telling me about your Dad?

Shinji: Yeah He's Nice.

Y/n: Really? Is he Really?

Shinji: Yeah, I only ever came here because Dad asked me to. I Owe him.

Y/n: Why?

Shinji: Mom Died.

Y/n: Oh... I am so sorry Shinji, I didn't know.

Shinji: No It's fine. It's Perfectly fine here.

Y/n: Like What?

Shinji: Everyone Treats Me Nice.

Y/n: But Asuka beats the shit out of you?

Shinji: It's how she shows Love.

Y/n: Okay... I can't argue with that One. She is A Violent Tsundere.

Shinji: And Dad Gives Me A Job and... Everyone Treats Me Nice. I mean I did do some stuff with Asuka.

Y/n: Really? Like what?

Shinji: Well... It's nothing... It's Just something I Know.

Y/n: Okay then? (ThoughtS) This Kid is possibly under some serious Abuse. It... It reminds me of Sanji... It's As if Sanji never left home and is Abused his entire Life... I would be horrified to see that... I Knew that Gendo bastard is Like Judge. He fulfills every type.

???: Hello.

Y/n: WOAH! Who is that?

Shinji: Oh, That's Rei.

Rei: Hello Shinji. Hello Y/n.

Rei Ayanami (She is A Creation of Gendo as she is pretty much A Clone of A Woman who died A Long time ago, Her Soul inside of her EVA/ Asuka has referred to her as A Creepy Puppet on Multiple Occasions A While Back/ She once had seen Gendo as A Gr...

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Rei Ayanami (She is A Creation of Gendo as she is pretty much A Clone of A Woman who died A Long time ago, Her Soul inside of her EVA/ Asuka has referred to her as A Creepy Puppet on Multiple Occasions A While Back/ She once had seen Gendo as A Great Man due to him being her only Human connection, but now she hates him)

Y/n: Oh Hello Nice to meet you Rei. Are you Okay?

Rei: Yes, I am. Quite. 

She then began to Blush.

Y/n: Are you Okay? Are you Sick?

Rei: No. I am... I am feeling something I have never felt before. My heart is beating very fast, Blood is rushing toward the area of my face, and my legs feel weak while my Stomach feels funny.

Y/n: Huh? That's Called being Infatuated.

Rei: Really? I Must go now. Thank you.

She then quickly Scurried off.

Shinji: Huh, I had never seen her Blush Before.

Y/n: Oh Okay. Are you Good man? Are you Okay?

Shinji: Yeah, I'm fine. Excuse me Please.

Y/n: Right. (Thoughts) Poor Guy. I need to check on him Later. He needs some Help.

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