The Boccae Toss! (Part 2)

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The Fight for the Boccae had now Begun as it had Just Been Tossed into the Air but things had already gone Wild from there!

Jimmy: Larry are you seeing this!? That Gorilla Lady is trying to take out the competition by using her own Men as A Club!

Larry: That's One real Gorilla Sir!

Jimmy: Exactly!

The Gorilla Lady was swinging One of her men around Like A Club Knocking Lots of women out of the way, and she was about to Hit Kusuri, but Karane suddenly caught the Gorilla grunt and held him Back!

Karane: HEY! No One is Hurting one of Our Family! Now Get the Hell off!!

She then beat the Crap out of the Gorilla grunt knocking him down before she began to wear his Jacket!


Gorilla Lady: Uho!? How dare you-!


Karane then ran towards her as she stood her ground!

Gorilla Lady: (Thoughts) There is No way she can Hurt me! She is Just some Puny- (Out Loud) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!

Karane had Just Kicked her in the gut Knocking her down, as she stood over her!

Y/n: Karane what are you-?

Karane: Just Get that damn Boccae! I'll handle her! 

Y/n: Right! Thanks!

Everyone continued fighting over the Boccae as Some of the Gorilla grunts Began to form A Formation to Grab the Boccae!

Y/n: Wait Is that A Bird? Is that A Plane? Wait... It's Shizuka flying from A 3 Story Height with A Towel!

She was indeed Flying over using A Towel as A Parachute after she jumped off from A Platform and she Began falling as she then Grabbed the Boccae but then she began falling!

Y/n: Oh Shizuka's Now falling from A 3 Story Height............. SHIZUKA!!!?

She then began falling from the Sky but you then Jumped up and Grabbed her, as you both fell down to safety!

Y/n: Shizuka are you Okay!? Do you need any medical Attention!? Anything!?

Shizuka: "I am very Much Fine, Y/N-San."

Y/n: Oh Thank God!

Jimmy: Oh Look at that! The Winners are the Y/n Family!!

Y/n: We Won! WE WON!!

You and the girls then cheered but now it was time to pick who would take the Picture with you.

Hakari: Alright we Should Pull Sticks to see who should take the Picture with Y/n-Kun. 

Karane: Why these sticks specifically?

Hakari: Oh These are Just Those very popular Sticks with the Red Line.

Karane: Just what are you up to you pervert?

Hakari then began thinking of A Plan as she smiled.

Hakari: (Thoughts) Alright this is Perfect! I have this perfectly set up so I will take that Picture with Y/n-Kun! All I need to do is Just-

Nano: It is most efficient if we all take sticks at the same time.

Hakari: Ack! (Thoughts) H-How did I not Predict this!? My Plan is ruined!

They all then Pulled the Sticks and Hakari still pulled the one with the red Line!

Hakari: Yes!! I Win!!


Kusuri was Just throwing A Tantrum when Hakari got down and offered her the stick.

Hakari: Here you go Kusuri, you can take the Picture with Y/n-San.

Karane: She's actually giving up A Chance with you Like this?

Y/n: It's snowing in Haiti.

Kusuri: (Sniffles) No Hakari You deserve it. You Pulled the Stick and You picked the Place, and everything.

Hakari: Fine then Shizuka can have it. She was the one who caught the Boccae.

Shizuka "Please Hakari-San, A Warrior of love of your caliber deserves more than me."

Y/n: Okay How about you all take the Photo with me? So That way it's completely Fair for everyone.

Girls: ...

Soon you were all Taking the Photo with Hakari wearing the Wedding Dress and you wearing A Black tie Suit as then the Photo was Taken with all of you in it.

Y/n: You Know Hakari I can't wait until we all get Married someday~

Hakari: Yeah...

Y/n: Something wrong?

Hakari: Y/n-Kun... I need you to break up with me.

Y/n: ...

Hakari: Are you Okay?

You then passed out right onto the ground, in A Complete Daze.

Hakari: Y/n-Kun!?

Y/n: Oh My God... This is Truly Horrifying... Truly... Horrifying...

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