Masters and Ninjas!

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Soon the Turtles had taken you deeper into the Sewers into their Home which was A Makeshift one built out of A Huge room in the Sewers, and You were meeting with their Master.

You kneeled down as you placed The master sword in front of you.

Y/n: Ariagato Master Splinter.

Splinter: Ah so my Boys have made A New Human Friend. Not all Humans are Like you. Judging others like us merely on appearance.

Master Splinter (He was the Pet Rat of the Former Rival Shredder who he Killed/ He learned Martial arts from Copying his Master's movements in his Cage/ He was the one to rescue the Turtles and raise them as his Own Children/ He is A Martial arts ...

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Master Splinter (He was the Pet Rat of the Former Rival Shredder who he Killed/ He learned Martial arts from Copying his Master's movements in his Cage/ He was the one to rescue the Turtles and raise them as his Own Children/ He is A Martial arts Master in every Degree and could be up there with people like Roshi and Jayaria)

Y/n: Yes, I have met many people like that. People can be so cruel. So you had raised them?

Splinter: My Turtles are my Boys as I had raised them, named them, and even Trained them. I had put all of my love into them and I am proud of the Boys that they are now. I can not ask for any better Boys.

While he was saying that Raph was beating the crap out of Mikey.

Raph: Why the hell would you put A Whoopie cushion in my seat!?

Mikey: Agh! It was funny! Agh! Yeah, it was!

Y/n: Yeah, I can see that.


A Fight had happened by the Statue of Liberty as A News Reporter was surrounded by A Bunch of Foot Clan Ninjas.

April O'Neil (She is A New York City News reporter who had first discovered the Turtles after they saved her from A Foot Clan attack/ She is no Damsel in distress as she can Kick butt pretty easily even receiving fighting lessons from Splinter him...

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April O'Neil (She is A New York City News reporter who had first discovered the Turtles after they saved her from A Foot Clan attack/ She is no Damsel in distress as she can Kick butt pretty easily even receiving fighting lessons from Splinter himself)

April: Alright all of you Back up! I'm not afraid to smash some Faces with my Camera.

Just then the Foot Clan's second in command showed up.

Karai: Don't let her go. She knows the Turtles personally.

Karai (She is the Adoptive Daughter of the Shredder whom he had saved from being an Orphan after her Parents were Killed/ She is A Very strong Martial artist learning everything from the Shredder himself/ She is Posed to Take over as his replaceme...

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Karai (She is the Adoptive Daughter of the Shredder whom he had saved from being an Orphan after her Parents were Killed/ She is A Very strong Martial artist learning everything from the Shredder himself/ She is Posed to Take over as his replacement someday)

April: So What do you want?

Karai: Just You and Any Information you Have.

April: Well I'm not-

Y/n: Kaioken!!

You then Kicked her away as the foot clan Ninjas were Poised to fight!

April: Woah! Who are you?

Y/n: The Name is Y/n! I'm A Friend of the Turtles!

April: Oh Good.

Y/n: Do you know how to fight?

April then smirked before she knocked out A Foot clan member!

April: Does that answer your question?

Y/n: Yes, Yes it does.

Karai: Tch! Everyone attack them now!

A Fight then started as You were beating up swarms of Ninjas!

April: Wait, where are the Turtles?

Y/n: They're dealing with an Old... Well, I wouldn't say Friend. More like Sociopathic Aqaintence.

Meanwhile, the Turtles were all fighting against Hisoka who was Just Toying with them!

Hisoka: Oh No Please, It's not like I would love to see you bleed.

Raph: What is wrong with this Guy!?

Leo: I don't know but we keep fighting!

Hisoka: Ever heard of Nen?

Donnie: Wait, isn't it that stuff that allows A User to-?

Hisoka then used his Nen ability to send him flying!


Hisoka then smacked him to the ground.

Hisoka: Next time don't name your attack out loud.

Leo then managed to slice his cheek as Hisoka Just licked the Blood off.

Hisoka: Oh God I Love that feeling~!

Mikey: Okay something is clearly wrong with him and I don't want to be near Him!

Raph: Yeah, No Kidding!

Back with you...

April had Managed to Pin Karai to the ground and had her in A Headlock!

April: Call them off! Call them off!!

Karai: F-Fine! Everyone Retreat!

Y/n: Damn, That's Honestly pretty Good April.

Soon The Foot Clan had left including Hisoka, and thankfully everyone was Okay.

Y/n: Good Job April.

April: Thanks.

Y/n: I'm going to take that fight to Shredder, and I am going to Kick His ass.

April:  Oh Good, I-

Y/n: To be Honest You are Pretty cute.

April: (Blushing) W-What? You Kidding me right?

Y/n: Nope! Now If you can excuse me. I'm going to Turn A Shredder into A Cheese Grater.

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