The Forest Temple!

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The First stop on all of your Journeys was the Forest Temple which seemed to be the easiest by Far Of course, it was in the Middle of A Mystical Forest where it had an almost mythical feel to it.

The First stop on all of your Journeys was the Forest Temple which seemed to be the easiest by Far Of course, it was in the Middle of A Mystical Forest where it had an almost mythical feel to it

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The Forest Temple

Navi: Here we are everyone at the Forest Temple. This Place is filled with tons of Winding Halls and maze-like ends, so I would all be careful if I were all of you.

Yang: Great So Let's Just go in!


Yang: Uh...

Navi: You can't just be running in all willy-nilly! You need A Plan!

Blake: Technically Running in all willy nilly is technically A Plan of sorts.

Y/n: Okay Team we need to think smart, concise, and even A Little Tactical. We Just walk inside and Just make sure we don't get Jumped Alright?

Team Y/n: Right!/ (Nods)

You all then Began to walk inside only to see A Bunch of Werewolf Like Monsters surround all of you!

You all then Began to walk inside only to see A Bunch of Werewolf Like Monsters surround all of you!

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Wolfos (Werewolf Like Monsters that Inhabit Hyrule/ They Serve under Ganondorf)

Navi: Oh Crap Wolfo's! Everyone attack Now!

You all then Began to attack all of the Wolfos as they were all quickly Taken out with Ease!

Y/n: Whew! That was Easy!

Weiss: Seriously? Wolfos?


Y/n: Let's keep going, everyone! We all need to get that Medallion!

You all then quickly Began to run through The Forest Temple defeating any and every Monster in the way as soon you had all made it into the Basement.

Y/n: Wait, something is Off.

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