One Adventure Ends Another one begins!

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Soon After Ganon was Beaten by The Combined Efforts of all of our Heroes it is now Time for Y/n, Math, and Team RWBY To Return back home as Link now stood in front of Zelda along with all of you.

Zelda: I Must thank you all for saving me and saving all of Hyrule. I would like to Gift Link Something.

Link then stepped forward smiling.

Zelda: Do you have the Ocarina of Time?

He then pulled out A Flute and Handed it to Zelda as they both smiled.

Ocarina of Time (A Magical flute that can control the flow of time itself)

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Ocarina of Time (A Magical flute that can control the flow of time itself)

Zelda: Thank you, Link. Now for your Gift.

She then Began Playing A Tune on the Ocarina of Time as Link turned into A Child, A small 10-year-old Child.

Zelda: Here Now you can Live the Childhood that was so unfairly taken away from you.

Link was now Confused.

Navi: Don't you get it You Goof? You can Now Finally have the Childhood you always wanted to! Go ahead you Big Goof! Leave and Go on A New Adventure!

Link then seemed Confused but Navi smiled.

Navi: But I'm Coming with you. I'm your Fairy anyways.

Link then smiled as Navi Landed on his shoulder and he then walked over and hugged every one of you smiling as he broke off the Huge and Mouthed all of you A Thank you before He got onto A Horse and Began to Ride off to search for A New Childhood adventure.

Y/n: Bye Link. May your new Childhood be as Fruitful and Plentiful of Memories.

Meanwhile in A Forest...

A Man With A Bunch of Masks on him and A Creepy smile was walking through when suddenly A Kid ran up and Grabbed A Mask that he had dropped.

???: Hey Kid, That's My Mask. Do you mind Handing it back to me?

The Kid then Began Looking at the Mask and it Began speaking to him.

The Kid then Began Looking at the Mask and it Began speaking to him

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Kid: N-No!! It's Mine!! You can't Have it!!

The Kid then quickly ran off as the Mask Man smiled ever so creepily.

???: Oh My Not Again. Another Poor Victim. Now I need to catch up to him before he gets too Far.

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