Into the Base of the Tower!/ Cheesy Doom!

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Peppina continued to run she soon she began to break into the Tower still running at Mach 5 Speeds as the 1st level of the Tower was filled with Pizza cheese and Cutouts of the tower's Mascot called Pizza Boy.


She continued to run beating up A Bunch of Pizza Boy cutouts and soon quickly began to run don A Corridor when you and Y/n and Math showed up Via Instant Transmission in front of her Path!

Y/n/Math: WOAH!


She then stopped as Cheese went flying everywhere and you were both covered in Goopy, Warm, mozzarella Cheese.

Math: Man this girl is Nuttier than A Squirrel Thanksgiving Dinner.

Y/n: Hey Peppina we need to- (Blushing) Um...

Peppina: Ugh... I'm covered in Warm Cheese...

 I'm covered in Warm Cheese

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Y/n: (Blushing) I... Uh...

Math: Dude, Get your Mind out of the Gutter! She's Covered in Cheese!

You both then got her out as she tried to run again but you both Grabbed her!

Y/n: Peppina Calm down! We need to calm down and Think of A Plan!

Peppina: Plan my Ass!! I gotta stop that Cannon!! MY STUDENT LOANS ARE TIED TO MY RESTAURANT!

Math: Uh... Okay...

Y/n: Look If you Just ran up there then we're going to get our collective Asses Kicked! We need to think and climb that Tower!

Peppina: (Sigh) Fine, but we better Hurry up! MY RESTAURANT IS ON THE LINE!

Math: Wait, who did you leave the Place to?

Back at the Pizza Place...

Gustava: Oh My Peppina did so Much damage again, and we're already in debt.

Gustava (Another Fellow Waitress who worked for Peppino's Pizzaria before he ended up leaving, She now works under Peppina/ She is A Short and Innocent girl who owns A Giant Pet Rat who works at the restaurant)

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Gustava (Another Fellow Waitress who worked for Peppino's Pizzaria before he ended up leaving, She now works under Peppina/ She is A Short and Innocent girl who owns A Giant Pet Rat who works at the restaurant)

Just then A Giant Rat came up behind her and Looked sorry about what Happened.

Gustava: Ah, don't worry about it! She'll Be Back! We Just gotta give her time!

The Pet Rat then Nodded.

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