Mitzu: 2nd Chance

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Warning: Might be sad

BxG, btw

Ps. I got this idea from DAY6's Congratulations and 2PM's Again & Again + Comeback When You Hear This Song


Tzuyu's POV

It's been weeks since i stayed at home, locking myself up in my own house. I have been down and broken.

Mina and i were dating but...

I caught her spending more time with a boy. It's always the days when i asked her out but she always declined me, telling me that she's busy. She was busy with that boy.

She saw me and she was shocked as if she did something wrong and got caught. I decided to take a break so we can have some time alone to think about our relationship and about us.

Jeongyeon-hyung and the others, from our squad, have been asking me to go out and not lock myself at home. So, i went out today, hoping to get some fresh air and clear my mind up.

I'm in a train, staring at the blank seats in front of me in deep thoughts. I immediately snapped out once a familiar female figure sat across me. She was shocked to see me. Moreover, she's with the same boy, the one who made us become like this. She's not taking this seriously. I have been waiting for her and be loyal to her but she's definitely not doing the same.

I just faked a smile as she became awkward, not knowing what to do.

I decided to get off at the next stop and i didn't glance at her at all, after i stood up. I sighed heavily.

From that unexpected encounter with Mina, i thought about her more than usual. She's been on my mind way too much. I kept on thinking about her until i didn't realized that i came to her house. I didn't know why i came here. My feet brought me here and i don't know why this pair of legs made me came here. I guess it's because i kept on asking myself if Mina is alright or if she's happy or not.

Though i know it's wrong to come back here when we are on break from one another, i still came here. I missed her. I want her to come back to me. I want her to choose me and not that guy.

I saw the boy left the house and i took this chance to enter her house without permission.

"Did you forget something?" Mina asked as she turned around since she was walking back to the inside of the house and turned back to the door, where i am standing. She looks surprised.

Should i back out? Should i leave her house? Should i talk about us with her? What should i do?

"Tzu-tzuyu." She stuttered, calling my name. It's now or never. I should use my chance wisely and properly instead of letting it go to a waste.

"Are you treating this seriously? Our relationship is on the line here and yet, here you are, hanging out with that guy. Do you love me? Do you even love me in the first place? Do you love him more than me now? Is he better than me? Am i not good enough for you? What am i to you?

I have been loyal to you! I didn't even hang out with any girls, right from the beginning we became a couple until now! But you, what did you do? You hang out with another guy more than me! Is he more important than me? Is he your boyfriend now? Do you choose him over me?

Because if you choose him and you love him, we are going to end things here. Basically, i'm breaking up with you.

And don't you dare say that you don't want to break up with me when i'm no longer in your heart, when you don't even love me anymore.

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