Chapter II: Dio Brando the Invader

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Jonathan: "When I was 10... My brother, Dio, was adopted by my father. I didn't like him at first, but we became lifelong brothers... The problem was that he was so much better than me in every way. Our father treated me poorly and him with grandiose praise. I ended up becoming the man I am now. Someone who's considered as scum and trash in the world who drinks in bars and in brothels. He even stole the heart of my romantic interest, Erina. The two even had a son named Diego Brando, who's a year old by now. Today, I'll be visiting Dio and Erina Brando... For years... He invaded my life... Being better than me in all ways. As a skilled Hamon-User, as a boxer, as a worker, and as a person... I bet he'd never wish me of such vile circumstances to avenge his pride... He's so... perfect... It pisses me off."

The door opens as Jonathan stands in a suit and tie.

Erina sighs.

Erina: "Good evening, JoJo."

Jonathan: "Evening, Pendleton."

Erina: "It's Brando, now."

Jonathan: "Ksh-... Of course..."

Erina lets him in as he meets Dio.

Dio: "Ah! Jonathan! I haven't seen you since Father died!"

Jonathan: "Evening, Dio. Splendid life."

Dio let him sit on the dining area as Jonathan sighed in relief.

Jonathan: "Blimey, Dio. It's truly been a long time since we've last met each other.
You stole Erina from me, you bloody fuck."

Dio: "Oh, JoJo. Truly a remarkable day it is for us to meet each other once again! I missed you brother."

Jonathan: "Personally, I wished you've been gutted down in the nearby gutter.
Likewise, Dio!"

Dio: "Do you know why I called you this evening, JoJo?"

Jonathan: "Why is it, Dio?"

Dio grabs Jonathan's hand and brings him in the cellar.

Dio turns on the lights in the cold, damp cellar.

Jonathan is horrified.

Jonathan: "The Holy Corpse's eyes... You're the Hamon User stealing the Parts?"

Dio: "I need your help, JoJo. I stole the mask and the eyes from Father's museum when he died, knowing that there are evil people who want it."

Jonathan: "Oh...
Frankly, I was hoping for him to be the true enemy.
Protecting from... What, exactly?"

Dio: "JoJo... This world includes Hamon-Users, Spin-Users and Non-Users everywhere. Would you be surprised if I told you that there is a third type of User? It's a mutation that occurs when man gets in contact with bacteria and mutagen that came from a place outside of our world, according to Father's studies. It's called a Stand, an ancient guardian spirit found by the Ancient North Americans. I will tell you the story of these Holy Corpse Parts, JoJo.

Years ago, the almighty Jesus Christ of the Bible was crucified, but was brought back to life by the almighty God. Jesus then continued on to teach for his final 50 days on Israel, and left to wander in the world. He then discovered the New World, the North Americas, and was praised by the North Americans, granting them the power of Guardian Spirits. Legend says the Jesus was the Son of God, and was granted three powers at once, Hamon, Spin and Stand. He used these abilities to heal people of Jerusalem, and now the North Americans. He died, but his Stand became human and died. He left his Stand on this world as it was split into nine parts of corpses. I believe that these Corpses holds the truth about Stands, this secret power that brings ultimate power to all of us."

Note: Hamon is the energy of the sun that speeds up a person. it can be summoned through controlled breathing. It was used to destroy demons, vampires, zombies and other monsters from long ago.

Note: Spin is the energy of the sun as well, but is turned into a force of perfect rotation rather than a form of destructive and constructive energy. It then possesses an object and spins it in high speeds, so much so that the object defies gravity.

Note: A Stand is an avatar or supernatural ability that a person can have and control completely, given to the person by unknown circumstances.

JoJo: "So... what do you want, Dio?"

Dio: "I want to use these eyes to achieve Heaven. If you drink the blood of the corpse eyes, you are said to be given a guardian spirit more powerful than anything on the world. The blood, however, never runs out, no matter what you do. If you attain all of the Corpse Parts, you achieve Heaven. However... You can only do so if you are deemed worthy. However, JoJo... It seems that I have the ability to drink the blood of the Eyes."

JoJo: "Really? How?"

Dio turns to JoJo.

Dio shows his fangs, dripping with blood.

JoJo: "No... Does Erina know?"

Dio: "No, she doesn't. I'm planning to dine her tonight as well as my own child."

Jonathan is horrified by Dio's antics, and walks back.

Dio: "JoJo, you don't understand. My whole life, I was praised and glorified by our friends and family. But this? This is all just a facade! I am more than just a face for the people to cum on. I can be God."

Jonathan: "Dio... What happened?"

Dio: "I accidentally wore the mask, JoJo...'

Dio recounted...

Dio studied as he pricked his finger on the Mask's rib-like holder.

Dio: "That night, as I studied the art of Hamon and Spin, my blood dripped on the mask, it attached to my face... Turning me into a god..."

Dio moved forward...

Dio: "Join me, Jonathan, and we will dine on my wife and child together."

Jonathan: "I hated you my entire life, Dio. Though, I respected you. I respected that you were a good and honest man who'd do anything for his friends and family. We'll find a cure, Dio. Just... don't do this."

Dio: "Join me, JoJo, and together, we will conquer England and the world!"

Suddenly, a Stand emerged from his body, appearing behind him.

Jonathan can see this, as he is a Hamon User.

Jonathan: "Dio... You didn't..."

Dio laughed.

Dio: "Yes, I did. I call it... The World. Named after the Tarot Card, The World. Whoever joins my army shall be named after a Tarot Card as well. You can be Star Platinum, Jonathan. The Star and The World, both being above the whole world."

JoJo: "Dio..."

Dio: "Muda muda muda muda!"

Dio unleashes his Stand, The World, as it punches Jonathan, who protects himself with Hamon.

The World: "MUDA!!!"

Jonathan barely protects himself.

Jonathan grabs the eyes from the desk.

Dio: "Goddamn it, JoJo!"

Erina witnesses this, walking down the cellar midway on the staircase, carrying Diego.

Jonathan: "Run."

Jonathan and Erina run for it as Dio somehow teleported before them.

The two have reached the dining room.


Jonathan: "Really, now?"

Jonathan takes the candle and burns his hand, controlling the fire with Hamon.

Jonathan grabs Dio's face and burns him with it.

Jonathan: "OVERDRIIIIVE!!!"

Dio burns as he screamed in pain,

Jonathan and Erina run into the night, as Dio suffered from injuries.

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