Chapter XVII: Nena and Hot Pink Empress

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A beautiful woman appears before Polnareff at the hotel door.

Polnareff: "Today has been an awful day..."

Polnareff opens the door and meets her.

Nena: "Oh! Sorry, I thought you were someone else!"

Nena began to walk away as Polnareff called her back.

Polnareff: "Wait! Nena! Sorry, but you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

Nena blushed.

Nena: "Thank you!"

Polnareff walked out with her, asking her out.

Joseph, passing by them and waving: "Goo' mornin' Polnareff!"

Polnareff: "Yeah, sure. Whatever.
So, anyway, bowling-!"

Suddenly, something drops on Joseph's arm.


Joseph: "What the 'ell? What kind of bugger pimple sprouted out today in this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day of mine?"

Joseph pokes it.

It then sprouts and gets bigger.


Joseph went to the doctor that day.

Joseph: "Is it that bad, doctor?"

Doctor: "Mr. Joestar, is it? Yes, crikey, mate. It seems that you're going to have to wear a mask."

Joseph: "'Ell no! I hate wearing masks!
After that horrendous Lisa Lisa and ex-wife's training they gave me, I've been bloody weary of masks!
Just, get this off of me!"

Doctor: "Very well."

The doctor walks out of the room for a moment as Joseph looked at his blue stone on his necklace, and whispered" "'Ello, Caesar. Long time no talk. So, recently, DIO, the nemesis of our families, came back and now my grandson and I are hunting him down and destroy him, the last Vampire. I hope you're proud of me, big brother."

He stared at the blue stone.

He then looked at the striped stone.

Joseph: "'Ello, Grandpa Jonathan. It's been a long time as well. Going to avenge you and your body, alright? Just you wait..."

The doctor returns as Joseph sighs in sadness.

He takes out a surgical knife and prepares to cut it out. Joseph looks away and closes his eyes in fear.

Suddenly, a slice could be heard.

Joseph: "Is it done, Mr. Doctor of the Speedwagon Foundation? You know, DIO would usually say that things are usually useless. Even adopted the Japanese word, 'Muda' as a Stand Cry. What floccinaucinihilipilification, I tell ya."

Joseph looks at the doctor.


The doctor is on the ground, bleeding with his throat sliced.

He looks down on his right arm, which now has half a body, a head and two arms.

Hot Pink Empress
Ability: Zit Creation, Maturity, Multiplication
Power: C
Speed: E, A (After maturity)
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: D
Potential: D

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