Chapter XXII: Manny Boy and Black Metal Death

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The Crusaders slept soundly in the night in the hotel after the battle with Arabah Fats.

Though, they wake up in a strange realm. A carnival.

Noriaki wakes up in the carnival with the others.

Noriaki: "Guys? Where are we?"

Jotaro: "We're in some kind of... carnival."

Polnareff wishes for a cotton candy and popcorn.

Polnareff: "This is pretty good! Don't you think, Monsieur Joestar?"

Joseph, eating cotton candy: "Bloody 'ell yes! I get to eat without worrying about my cholesterol."

Suddenly, a Grim Reaper-like Stand appeared with a clown face, and quickly stabbed Noriaki.

Everyone woke up.


Joseph: "As you remember, all of us woke up at the same time in the same night. I have no idea why."

Noriaki walked in, bleeding.

Josuke: "Noriaki-senpai!"

Josuke heals him immediately.

Joseph: "Oh my God... This is the work of an enemy Stand! The Stand must have the ability that has something to do with dreams! The User must be in the hospital! We have to defeat him immediately."

Josuke: "But, there are so many people in this hospital! How can we detect the User?"

Joseph: "Avdol, Polnareff, help me out. We have to sneak in the hallways and use my Stand to seep into everyone's minds."

Avdol and Polnareff nodded.

The three walked around in the halls, searching for the User.

Meanwhile, the seven all have to stay awake, or the user will strike.

Black Metal Death
Abilities: Dream Entrance, Dream Manipulation
Power: C
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: B
Precision: D
Potential: B

Okuyasu: "After killing that sun guy, I just can't help but to fall-..."

Koichi smacks him in the face.

Jotaro: "None of us falls asleep until the Old Man kills the User."

Okuyasu: "Should we play a game, then?"

Giorno: "No. Playing a game will just make it worse. We'll get more tired and want to sleep even more."

Everyone sat around in Joseph's room in patience.

Noriaki's eyes begin to close.

Suddenly, he wakes up in the carnival.

Jotaro grabs Noriaki.

Jotaro shakes him.

Jotaro: "Noriaki! YARO!!!"

Jotaro immediately falls asleep and joins him.

Jotaro and Noriaki wake up before the Stand, Black Metal Death.

Black Metal Death in a high-pitched voice: "Crikey. Evenin', Jotaro and Noriaki."


Star Platinum emerges.

Suddenly, Star Platinum punches Jotaro several times: "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!"

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