Chapter XXXIII: Fang and The Snake and the Tragedy of Heartbreak

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Fang, another mysterious member of the Chinese Zodiacs.

A man that was known to have been abused by his Uncle and Aunt at a young age as his parents were mysteriously killed in a car accident.

Fang, is the ultimate Guilt-Tripper.

His ability is to slow down the heart of anyone who feels guilty because of what they did...

Until they get a Heart Attack.

That is how his Uncle and Aunt, met their end.

Soon, he was recruited as one of the most dangerous members of the Major Arcana.

Trish pokes Mista four times from behind.

Mista: "GAH!!!

Trish: "The second date."

Mista: "What second date?"

Trish: "The second date we're supposed to have?
The one I asked you to do after our first date."

Mista: "Oh...
You've already repaid my numerous stick-out-my-necks for you."

Trish: "Yeah?
They're so numerous... shouldn't I repay you more?"

Mista sighs.

Mista: "Fine...
I see what she's doing... and I don't like it..."

Trish: "So... When's the fight going to happen?"

Mista: "It just did."

Trish: "That was the fight?
They were just staring at each other, then they immediately shot at each other."

Mista: "It's actually how the fight escalates and builds up to its climax, Trish..."

Trish: "That makes no sense..."

Mista: "Well... It's the way of the Rangers, Trish."

Trish: "Hm..."

Mista: "Yeah...
It's lame... I know. Westerns aren't beloved these days..."

Trish: "I think it's nice."

Mista turned to Trish, and smiled.


Giorno sighs, watching them with Golden Wind Requiem's Fly.

Giorno: "Bruuuunoooo."

Polnareff, appearing beside him: "What up, chump?"

Vegeta, appearing beside him as well: "Waddup."

Giorno: "FUCK!!!

Giorno is in bed. Turtle Polnareff uses Chariot Requiem to see them. Vegeta is just... there.

Giorno: "Get out of my room or I'll kill you."

Polnareff: "What?
Zat's your dream now?"

Giorno: "Could be."


Polnareff: "Whoa!
Hon hon!
Let's just enjoy zis sadness together, yes?
How about a song together?"

Giorno: "Like what?"

Trish and Mista dance together solemnly but in a fun way, to some old cowboy music. They twist, turn, skip around, spin around, and enjoy each other's company.

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