Chapter V: Golden Boys Part I

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Prometheus: "Doo doo doo doo..."

JoJo: "What makes this arrow different from the rest, exactly?"

Prometheus: "Formed from the nails of Christ's Cross. This is the third way to achieve Heaven.. or Requiem... Depending on one's Potential."

JoJo: "Hmph."

Prometheus: "Let me rephrase, by the way... 2 Main Enemies from past, one from future, and a buncha minions."

Prometheus then puts a Promethean Power Level reader on the coffee table.

JoJo: "So, it's doesn't necessarily mean that they're from this universe."

Prometheus: "He may call other Earths... Right now, you'd be meeting your first enemy..."

Prometheus teleports away.

JoJo: "Great. Just great.
The douchebag didn't even tell us anything about this guy."

Vegeta sleeps, now bandaged.

Goku: "Will Getes survive this?"

JoJo: "He has potential. Take off the bandages."

Mob uses his telekinesis to take it off. He's completely healed.

JoJo: "Now we gotta pack our stuff."

Vegeta stood in the edge of the labyrinth of his mind.

Vegeta: "This labyrinth is important to me.
When I was a child and I would dream, I'd always end up in this place.
When I'd reach the end, I'd see my Mother... Then she'd fade away, so I'd be forced to go back where I started.

Vegeta reached the end of the labyrinth and sees his wife and two kids.

Vegeta: "Instead, I see them now.
My whole life, I was obsessed with avenging my Mother and destroying Freeza for having my mother killed by his lackey, but now... An even greater enemy has come.
He calls himself DIO. They say he's strong. I wonder if I'll survive whatever that bastard's got.
I'm the Prince of All Saiyans, after all!!! Ha ha ha ha h-!!!
I'm... sorry...
I know that I don't say those words often, but remember that I'm sorry. I was never originally a good Father. All Saiyans leave their kids when they're born, but...
Bulma... You taught me sentimentality...however... And... that felt weirdly good... Like... sooo good!
And now... DIO took you away from me.
For the first time in my life, I felt unhappy not because I wasn't strong nor because I haven't destroyed Freeza, but... because I lost something I've earned and worked hard for.
Unlike my rivalry and win over Goku.... this one... I already had it... And someone took it away from me...
*clenches fists*
I swear... When I'm done with DIO, I'll wish you all back with the Dragon Balls...
I swear... I'll tear that bastard limb from limb... and fuck the body....
I may be crude... yes... But those who take away something from someone that s/he earned very hard for... fucking pisses me off... Even worse if that person fell in love... with that thing... and regarded that thing as a person...
I maybe crude... and I may be a loudmouthed asshole... But I don't like it when I lose someone that I worked hard for... someone I loved... I swear... I'll help kill that bastard, DIO... For my Princess who married me, and the new pair of Prince and Princess who shall reign after me... I believe that I'll bring you back... Sure... I could just wish you back... But DIO's killing of you is an insult to your honor...
And no one... not even any motherfucking Destroyer God... insults a Saiyan's pride and honor... Remember this, DIO!!! I shall-!!!

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