Chapter XLIII: Diego Brando, Like the World, is a Monster

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War of the World Over Heaven: Five -Stars
Reality Overwrite (Incomplete Souls), Time-Stop (Infinite), Flight, Hamon Connection, Time-Loop, Erasure, Infinity Effects Immunity, Wish, Ki-Connection, Resurrection
Power: 0
Speed: 0

Range: 0
Durability: 0

Precision: 0


Star Platinum Over Heaven: One-Star
Reality Overwrite (Incomplete Souls), Time-Stop (One Week), Flight, Hamon Connection, Time-Loop, Erasure, Infinity Effects Immunity, Wish, Ki-Connection
Power: A
Speed: A

Range: 0
Durability: A

Precision: A


Jotaro: "During a Time-Stop, you stop aging...
During a Time-Stop... you stop aging...
Goddamn... I feel old, however...
Having a daughter...
Right now, however...
I have to remember that I may actually die, and my daughter wouldn't grow up without a Father..."

Jotaro stood before Diego Brando, an alternate universe version of DIO.

Diego Brando grew up to be a terrible person.

Like DIO, his Mother committed suicide because he killed his Father.

Unlike DIO, Diego was successful in killing Jotaro, and in this world, Diego reigned supreme... but Kakyoin gave a safety lock into his Stand... as he now has incomplete souls...

One must have complete souls to achieve a Stand's true power.

Reality Overwrite should be able to wipe out a universe with a single punch... but instead, it takes several punches and much stamina to destroy a universe.

When the universes was erased, DIO was actually nearly killed in the process, and so was Diego.

Diego, from Earth 55, wishes to help DIO in this Crusade of his... to create a World Over Heaven.

9 months before the End of All Worlds...

It will be Jolyne's birthday...

But unfortunately, Jotaro has some business to attend to...

Jotaro stood before Diego Brando, a cowboy on the desert planet as the ship stayed on space.

Diego: "'Ello, mate.
The name's Diego Brando."

Jotaro sighed silently.

Jotaro: "It's going to be my daughter's birthday...
What do you want, Diego?
To kill me before that day?"

Diego: "I already killed you before your daughter existed.
But he was Jotaro Joestar, not Jotaro Kujo..."

Diego posed.

Diego: "If you win, you can kill me...
If I win... I kill your whole family..."

Jotaro gritted his teeth.

Diego: "I remember killing that Anne girl... and your Grandfather..."

Jotaro: "Tch-!"

Diego: "I drank all their blood 'til they went dry...
I'll do the same to them again..."

Diego sighed.

Diego: "Why do you Joestars fight for your so-called 'Justice'?
Your actions only worsened the situation...
Now, the world can never achieve Heaven... because of you...
No one can ever live peacefully for eternity, because of you..."

Jotaro sighed.

Jotaro: "Yare yare daze...
You killed so many people... and you'll kill so much more.... just so that you can create a perfect world where no cruelty can exist. Cruelty, Diego... is a part of life..."

Stardust Crusade (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora