Chapter XXXVIII: Gran Ariana and Ceres Goldenrod

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Ceres Goldenrod
Ability: Room of Fates
Power: 0
Speed: 0
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: 0
Potential: C

The Crusaders see that Coco Jumbo, their turtle, is sick.

Jotaro: "Yare yare. I guess we have to go to a hotel for the night. The Room won't project."

The Crusaders, in an Amish Town, walked towards a seemingly abandoned hotel.

Okuyasu: "It's like I'm drawn to it or something."

Yukako: "Tch-!"

Koichi: "Oh... Geez..."

Jotaro felt a slash on his face.

Jotaro: "SUTA-!!!"

Jotaro stops talking.

Jotaro: "Sumi..."

Okuyasu felt a hole in his chest.

Okuyasu: "Oh... crap, dude!
My chest feels like it hurts."

Noriaki: "So does mine..."

Okuyasu then feels like he's about to burst.

Koichi feels like he's turning to dust.

Koichi: "What the hell?"

Rohan feels pain on his back, as if blood bursted out of it.

Joseph feels a sharp feeling on his neck, and gets a migraine.

Avdol feels pain all over his body except his arms.

Holy feels like she's about to dust as well, and so does Tonio, Anne, Josuke, Giorno, Josefumi, Shizuka and Yukako.

Polnareff feels like a hole is punched in his chest as well.

Silver Chariot vibrates and turns watery.

Polnareff: "I feel Silver Chariot wriggling inside of me as if it became blood..."

Suddenly, their pains of each of them disappear.

Everyone shrugs whatever happened off and checked in the hotel.

That night... Each of them went to separate rooms inside the hotel.



Jotaro's face gets cut in half.

"This is your fate, Jotaro...
To die against... him..."

Jotaro: "YAROOOU!!!!"

Jotaro silently died on his bed.

Okuyasu, meanwhile, gains a hold in his chest and explodes in his room.

Noriaki gets a hole punched in his chest.

Noriaki: "N-No!"

Avdol then feels pain around his body and screams, as his arms felt normal, however.

Polnareff felt a hole was punched in his chest. He screams in pain and felt like he was losing breath.

Silver Chariot then transformed.

Silver Chariot then transformed

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Everyone else dusts into pieces.

Joseph feels a sharp pain on his throat: "OOH.... NOOOO...."

Joseph slowly bled to death as his head was crushed by an invisible force.

Rohan's back bursts out blood.

Rohan spits blood.

Rohan: "Nani?!
I have to tell them... about his new ability...
Who am I talking about exactly?"

Rohan explodes, and time looped.

They all woke up the next day...

Rohan: "I found a woman who called herself Gran Ariana. I realized that she was a Stand-User of some sort when I was about to check us out, so I wrote to her page: 'I WILL NOT ATTACK THE CRUSADERS ANYMORE'. Whatever the hell her Stand is, we will never know... I may have saved your asses again, by the way."

Everyone ignored him and silently ate breakfast in the cafe outside of the hotel.

Rohan: "How cruel..."

Rohan ate his tomato-onion omelette.

Jotaro, Josuke, Holy and Joseph ate bacon and eggs.

Anne ate Matzoh Ball Soup and Shakshuka.

Giorno ate Caesar Salad along with Tonio.

Polnareff ate Burger and Fries.

Avdol ate Shawarma.

Koichi, Yukako, Noriaki and Okuyasu ate Yakisoba.

Shizuka and Josefumi ate Gerber.

Jotaro: "Oi...
Did any of you have a nightmare last night... I did...
My face was cut in half by some... priest..."

Anne: "Can't remember."

Everyone agreed that they couldn't remember.

Joseph: "Bloody 'ell, Jotaro! Stop being so bloody paranoid!
Y'know what? Let's check what DIO is doing..."

Joseph takes out a camera and stabs it.

Waiter: "Is everything going okay here?"

Avdol: "Yes. Please leave."

Joseph takes out the camera...


Joseph: "This is the twelfth time this month..."

Holy: "No DIO, Papa?"

Okuyasu: "Yeah... Joestar-san thinks that someone is blocking Joseph's Psychic Photography."

Suddenly, an African-American Priest passed by the cafe they were eating in.

Enrico whispering as he eyed the Crusaders: "By the name of God, I will smite thee, Crusaders..."

Black vines appear out of white Pucci's body.

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