Chapter XLIX: Donatello Has a Secret Club

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Donatello Versus is a strange fellow. He was born as one of DIO's illegitimate sons with Jonathan's body, along with Giorno Giovanna and Rikiel Bartholomew.

Donatello Versus is known to be very lonely as a young boy, and was found by Enrico Pucci only years later.

He was born to a normal family, until one day when he was younger, his "Father" was revealed to have raped a young student woman. His wife divorced him after such an incident, only for his Father to reveal that it's the existence of Donatello that caused this. His Mother then revealed that his Father told the truth, that Donatello is the bastard son of a man called DIO.

Donatello was considered by most as an honor student by his peers due to his academic standing and good manners. However, at the age of 17, his Mother was accidentally in her job in the Speedwagon Foundation, and therefore he cursed the leader of the Speedwagon Foundation, the Joestars and the Zeppelis.

Donatello Versus was later met by Enrico Pucci, where he gained his Stand, Golden Club. He became a dangerous assailant in the Passione, and became a feared member.

Jotaro, Anne Yukako, Josuke, Giorno, Trish, Noriaki, Koichi and Mista all play in the Italian Arcade.

Giorno: "Careful... Lots of pick-pockets are around here. We're in Venizia after all."

Jotaro: "Tch-!"

Mista: "Strange... This place is unusually empty."

Trish: "Last time we were here it was filled with people...
Ugh... I used to hate videogames... What has become of me?"

Yukako: "Oi... Trish... You have gum in your hair."

Anne chuckled.

Trish: "Oi! What the hell, Anne?!"

Anne: "That's what you get for cheating in the card game last week."


Suddenly, Anne's legs felt like jelly, as she tripped. Her legs have softened.

Trish chuckled, as Anne used Emerald Echoes ACT 2 and turned her into sticky gum.

Yukako: "Oi! What are you? Five?!"

Trish turned Yukako's hair soft as well.

Yukako screamed and fought the other two.

Jotaro: "Will you three quit it?!"

Giorno: "Muda muda daze... What are you so worked up about?"

Jotaro: "Noriaki and I will be having a rematch."

NoriakI: "It seems that there is one thing Jotaro can never beat me in, which are games!"

Josuke, sighing: "I wish Okuyasu was here."

Koichi: "Okuyasu would have wanted us to take a breather, right?"

Josuke smiled at Koichi.

Mista: "AH!!!"

Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno: "What is it?"

Mista stared at a 4-Player Arcade Stall.

Mista pointed his gun at it.

Mista: "Empty Arcade Place? FOUR-PLAYER STALL?!!!
That's it. This place is either haunted or is the work of an enemy Stand."

Josuke: "Chill, man! Maybe it's because they have school or somethin'..."

Everyone: "It's summer!"

Noriaki begins drawing the arcade.

Jotaro: "Oi... Finish that later... We have a rematch."

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