Chapter VIII: Aya Tsuji and Fairy Tale Cinderella

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Yukako stalked Koichi as he walked with his group.

Okuyasu: "And then I erased her hair with The Blue Hand!"

Josuke: "Okuyasu, you shouldn't be a hair stylist."

Noriaki: "I think Okuyasu has potential!"

Koichi: "Maybe if you practice your speed-..."

Jotaro eyes a pair of binoculars behind a tree.

The clique leaves, but she gets confused of why Jotaro isn't there.

Jotaro: "Oi. Bitch."

Yukako's hair acts up and prepares for an attack.

Jotaro: "I told you to stay away from Koichi.


Yukako grabbed her mouth after saying that, looked away and blushed. She sighed out of embarrassment.

Jotaro: "Tch-..."

Jotaro proceeded to walk away, as she grabbed his sleeve.

He turned and gave her an annoyed look.

Yukako: "Please... Do you know any Stand-Users that could change... who I am?"

Jotaro sighed.

Jotaro: "If you really love Koichi, then I guess it can't be helped..."


Jotaro and Yukako stood before Cinderella Beauty Salon. 

Jotaro: "My Mother comes here from time to time for beauty purposes. The owner of this place wields a Stand called Fairy Tale Cinderella. This woman has the ability that has something to do with one's appearance, I believe. Now, get away from me."

Jotaro leaves for home as Yukako entered.

The sign outside says, "Cinderella Beauty Salon".

Aya stood before Yukako.

Aya is a blonde beautiful woman with a slender physique and a large chest with beautiful curvy hips and waist. She wore no make-up, but her eyes twinkled like twilight with a shade of gold. She has beautiful and straight blonde hair with soft pink lips. Aya has beautiful, smooth eyebrows.

Yukako is just as beautiful, with a slender physique and a small chest and curvy hips and waist. Unlike her, Yukako wore a lot of make-up. Her eyes twinkled in the shade of purple. She has curly black hair and with blood red lips. Yukako has angry eyebrows, and an intimidating look.

The salon was pink with normal salon products, with two mirrors before two chairs. It was rather small. There was a bathroom at the back. Also, there is a large pink book on the cashier's desk, with the words, "The Rules" on it.

Aya: "Ohayo Gozaimasu. I am Aya Tsuji, and I am Morioh's very own Fairy Godmother."

Yukako: "Ohayo. Yukako Yamagishi of Bugodaoka, Class 1-B."

Aya: "Ara ara. I heard you're the most beautiful girl in school! Why are you here out of the blue?"

Yukako, sighing: "I'm in love with someone, and I need to change myself."

Aya: "You don't have to change yourself to make someone love you."

Yukako: "But it's my decision to make. Change how I look..."

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