Chapter III: The Hunt for Dio

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Jonathan and Erina spend the nigh in Jonathan's mansion.

Jonathan: "A bloody fucking Vampire. Who would've thought that a Vampire would come back after centuries of Hamon-Users protecting the world for so long. Turns out those masks had something to do with their creation. Whoever made the masks better be killed by something big. Like a... Volcano. Or a... the void. They better die in those ways since they've given me so much trouble today."

Erina observes the large mansion, filled with a pool and great lamps and fine Spanish bricks making up the building, It was white completely, and it seemed that it was frequently cleaned.

Erina: "I thought you were poor..."

Jonathan: "I may be a bloke who only boxes at night, but my Father still made sure both of us would be provided for, even after death. I'm still paid almost half of the money even though Dio does all the work. Well, I guess I did, counting that he's a psychopathic Vampire with a bloody guardian spirit now."

Erina: "He didn't prick his finger, JoJo. He deliberately wore it."

Jonathan drank some beer from the wardrobe.

Jonathan: "Really? How so?"

Erina: "I remember that night... We were arguing about him leaving for the next month for a business trip for archaeology. He then began to spout out nonsense about how his original father used to defile him as a young boy. It made him want to destroy everything his father was. He even joked about poisoning him."

Jonathan drinks some more beer.

Jonathan: "Dio always had his ways with chemistry. He must've been telling the truth."

Erina: "He then told me that his research was a success, and he didn't need me. That bastard then wore then stabbed his hand in front of me and rubbed his own blood on the bloody mask. He then wore it. I didn't know that he became a Vampire afterwards."

Jonathan: "Dio was raped and abused by his Father, you see? That is why our Father gave him so much love and groomed him very well, so much so that he forgot about me. The way my Father raised Dio turned Dio into an egotist and a bloody fucking narc. He said his father always brought him into a weak self perception. He used to be meek and timid. When my Father gave him much praise and spoiled him, he became this bloody asshole who stole everything I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE!!! Money, the mansion, the business, you, even..."

Erina sighed.

Erina: "Jonathan, you know that we could never have been together."

Jonathan: "Of course, not, lass. Dio stole you from me!"

Erina: "I never loved you back because, unlike Dio, you were bitter and angry at the world."

JoJo: "And who the hell do you think caused that bloody hatred? Go and choose your room. I have servants and the police protect this place from the Vampire. The English has a history of defending against Vampires."

Erina grabs his sleeve as he tried to walk away.

Erina: "Stay in our room... Please."

Jonathan sighed.

Jonathan: "Honestly... Bloody hell. Fine. I'll watch over you, Erina. But only because I have no other bloody choice."

As Erina and Diego slept, Jonathan sat on the chair and wrote about his studies about Vampires in the Hamon Diaries.

Jonathan: "Vampires seem to have an increased form of pride. The creatures of the night seem to get hurt from Hamon, the energy of the sun. My own brother, Dio Brando."

Dio: "Hey, Jonathan! Want to go play in the field with Erina?"

Dio: "Hey, Jonathan! Try to box me! I'll beat you again, this time!"

Dio: "Hey, Jonathan! We'll always be brothers, right?"

Jonathan immediately shook his head in annoyance, trying to shake Dio's impact on his life and his growth away.

Jonathan: "Bloody greedy power hungry bastard. I need Hamon Users, but they're spread out thin all over the Seven Bloody Continents. Wait... that bloke... Speedwagon... Hm... I guess that mugging wasn't as pointless after all. We'll be called..."

Jonathan touches his Star-shaped birthmark on the back of his neck.

Jonathan: "The Stardust Knights. Like the story my father used to tell me when I was younger."

Erina and Diego roll on their beds.

Jonathan: "Shit, mate. I should stay quiet."

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