Chapter XLIV: The Girls Have A Night Out

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Anne sighs, drinking healthy juice in the cafe.

Anne: "Yare yare dawa..."

Trish then walked up to her.

Anne: "Nani?

Trish: "Ciao, Anne Zeppeli."

Anne: "Ciao."

Trish sees her drinking juice.

Trish: "Nani?
What's all this about? You're drinking juice instead of soda... your usual drink."

Anne: "Tch-!
Mind your own business!"

Anne reads a parenting book.

Trish: "Hm..."

Yukako followed after.

Yukako: "Oi... Trish!
What the hell, girl? You basically left me..."

Trish: "Gome... Yukako...
I wanted to invite Anne to go shopping with us."

Yukako: "Oh! That's a great idea! Right, Anne-chan?"

Anne nodded softly.

The three walked around the mall and shopped all night.

The three bought several things regarding fashion and clothes...

At the end of the day... The three went to a restaurant...

Trish: "So... Giorno basically gave me the money when I tricked him by telling him that this is for hunting them down...."

Yukako: "Clever!
Joseph basically lent me money!"

Anne: "My Great-Great Uncle Speedwagon was the one who lent me money... Huehuehue..."

The waiter then offers them drinks, but Anne refused.

Anne: "No, thanks! I'm pregnant!"

The two stopped chatting as Anne froze, smiling awkwardly.

Yukako: "H-Huh?"

Trish: "Oh... my God..."

Anne: "Yare yare.... You got me... Ha ha!"

Trish: "Anne-chan... is this true?"

Anne: "H-... Hai..."

Trish: "It's Jotaro's, right?"

Anne: "Yes..."

Trish: "It'd be weird if it was Joseph's or Josuke's..."

Trish chuckled as Anne spoke angrily.

Anne: "No! Gross! I don't like those kinds of guys!
Ew!!! You're gross, Trish!"

Yukako: "When are you planning to tell Jotaro-san?"

Anne sighed.

Anne: "I really don't know...
I spoke with Pucci when fighting him...
He showed me glimpses of the original universe... Apparently... Jotaro was a neglectful husband, Stand-User, and father... He was known to neglect his family and cared more about saving the world rather than his own family...
I hated that he'd become into someone like that... Will it be the same in this universe?"

Yukako and Trish felt bad for Anne.

Anne: "Will it be my fault that he leaves me?
Yare yare dawa... I really hope I don't ruin this by telling him too soon... Now, I'll just keep quiet for now..."

Yukako, smiling: "Let's just enjoy tonight... Anne..."


Joseph: "So... Guys... We're being attacked by the Minor Arcana...
They are... by far... the most dangerous squadron in Passione. Their two most dangerous members include The Boss and their former member and second-in-command... Killer Queen..."

Josuke looked determined to finally kill this man... The man who killed his mother.


As the girls went home, they nearly get run over by a man.


Yukako kicks the car, as the two girls pull her away.

???: "Kids these days."

A hand appears beside the car, as the woman seemingly listened to the man.

"Hello, my darling... Tomoko..."

He pulled the hand, as it is revealed to be a decapitated hand... Looking about nearly a decade old, but still fresh...

A blonde man wearing a purple david bowie-like suit kisses the hand repeatedly and creepily. He fondled the hand, driving with his other hand.

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