Chapter XI: Mr. Gray and Tower of Gray

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In a private jet, the Crusaders all peacefully sleep.

Suddenly, a fly flies around and lands on Okuyasu's nose.

He sneezes.

Okuyasu: "Geez... Why does this private jet has flies?"

Joseph wakes up.

Joseph: "It doesn't. Everyone, wake up! Someone else is in the plane!"

Everyone wakes up and prepares their Stands.

Jotaro: "SUTA-!!!"

Noriaki: "No... I'll use my Hierophant. It can slip into closed spaces."

Noriaki tries to find him in the ship.

Rohan writes down the story in his journal.

Josuke: "Dude, what are you doing?"

Rohan: "This is a gold mine for material! This will be my new Manga... JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Based from Real Events! I'm already in Part III in the drafts!"

Koichi: "Rohan-sensei... You're writing a Manga about us? I'd be honored to be part of your-!"

Rohan: "Yeah, whatever kid."

Giorno: "Hm.... I should use a bat to search the ship."

Giorno takes out a ballpen and transforms it into a bat.

The bat flies around and collects the flies, listening...

Joseph, Noriaki and Giorno: "The man is in the cargo hold."

Joseph: "He's not a zombie, and has full control of his action. Feel free to kill him."

Josuke: "I don't really kill p-..."

Polnareff: "FOR FRANCE!!!"

Silver Chariot, running around: "HORA HORA HORA!!!"

Avdol peacefully eats some crackers while all of this is happening.

Koichi: "WHERE'S THE USER?!!!"

Okuyasu opens the door and sees the man.

Jotaro: "Okuyasu! NO!!!"

The man releases several flies which charge towards them.

Joseph: "OOOH NOOO!! The flies are the Stands!"

Suddenly, the plane starts to fall from the sky.

Joseph runs to the plane's cockpit, seeing the two men have been killed by the flies.

Okuyasu spends time erasing the flies.

Joseph grabs the plane's steering wheel...

(Theme begins at 0:59...)


Joseph tries to fly the plane up and charges the plane with Hamon, keeping it up. 

The plane nearly falls to the ocean as Joseph pulled up.

The flies start chewing on Joseph's skin.

Joseph: "OH MY GOOOD!!!"

Joseph charges himself with Hamon.


(Theme ends at 2:27...)

The man is shot and is thrown out of the plane, but a giant hole is in the plane.


Giorno: "Golden Wind! Bring forth... Life!
Ever heard of the Italian tale of Pinocchio?"

Golden Wind: "MUDA!!!"

The plane turns into a whale, and swims to land...

Suddenly, flies entered the whale's blowhole as they attacked them all.

(Theme begins...)

The whale turns back into a plane as Joseph goes back in the cockpit and flies up.

The man got in. He's a short man with an ugly face. He's bald and has a big nose, with red eyes.

???: "The name's Mr. Gray, and this is my Stand, Tower of Gray! Nothing can kill me with all these flies! I let my flies carry me midair when you shot me out!!! I've had direct orders from DIO and instructions that told me each of your abilities! Now... TIME TO-!!!"

(Theme begins at 0:41...)

Noriaki smiled as the man froze.

Noriaki: "It seems that my plan worked. You shouldn't have opened your mouth, Mr. Gray. If you did your homework, you'd know that my Stand could easily possess people whose mouths are open."

Noriaki turns him into a zombie as he screamed in pain.

Noriaki: "Sayonara, Mr. Gray..."

Noriaki uses Emerald Splash and explodes the man.

(Theme ends at 1:08)


NoriakI: "I've killed people before under DIO's orders."

Koichi: "Huh... Jotaro-sama... have you-?"

Jotaro: "You don't wanna know."

Suddenly, the plane crashes near the bay of Singapore.

Jotaro: "Yare yare daze."

Now... they're in the Singapore.

Mr. Gray
Tower of Gray
Ability: Fly Colony
Power: D
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: E
Potential: E

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