Chapter XXI: Yamcha, Like a Star, Puts Bounties on their Heads

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"Hello, everyone!
It is I, Yamchasuke Kujo AKA Super D Duper Star, calling unto you telepathically!!!
I'm here to show the final race for the last Dragon Ball!
And... I have the other six Dragon Balls, confiscated from Team All Star Jump Force! Their heads have a bounty for all the Dragon Balls!
Whoever wins first, will gain three wishes from the Black Star Dragon Balls!
Go on! I challenge you their heads! DESTROY THE ALL STAR JUMP FORCE!!!!"

Jotaro: "Shit."

Kira looks up.

Diavolo, with a bionic arm, looks up.

Freeza, Cell and Reverse Flash, look up.

Thanos looks up.

Ultimate Kars looks up.

Alucard looks up.

Alucard: "Well, this will be a fuckmothering competition of a lifetime."

The All Star Jump Force look up.

Jotaro: "Yarou..."

Vegeta: "Mista.
Pilot the ship to the nearest planet.
We have company."

Mista: "I'm still not happy that you changed your name back to Vegeta."

Vegeta: "Vegeta is Vegeta, PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS!!!
Now... Pilot us there."

Mista nods.

Trish looks out for danger along with Koichi, Mob and Jotaro.

Anne uses Heaven's Priestess to use Hierophant.

Anne: "Oh... Jotaro-ku... I'm so s-..."

Jotaro: "It's okay...
He'd be happy to help if he was here..."

Holy and Yukako took care of the kids.

Saitama and Goku are stationed outside.

Josuke and Giorno prepare their healing abilities.

Avdol and Genos check for life.

Chariot Requiem zooms outside to make sure it's clear.

Vegeta: "Hmhmhmhm... That bastard will pay for everything he did to Bulma...
And for joining the enemy..."

Giorno: "Don't you think you're being too harsh on the guy?"

Vegeta: "AHA HA HA HA HA!!!
Because that bastard broke the Earth Woman's heart...
At first, he just annoyed me because he was pathetic. Always kneeling before those with balls bigger than his.
Then I fell for the Earth Woman, and she told me the things he did to other woman.
Of course I'm harsh to him.
I hate him, because he hurt my wife. I would never let anyone lousy be with the people I love.
My Father was with my precious Mother, and that knowledge hurt me when I was young. An abusive, self-centered entitled asshole was my Father, and fucked my Mother every night.
Disgusting and despicable."


Avdol and Genos: "Someone's on the planet."

Genos: "Ahem...
One person is on the planet.
I believe it's that Alucard fellow."

Mob, with a scarily intimidating face: "I hope he dies in the black hole that is my heart."

Vegeta: "Fuck.
*takes Radio speaker*
Hello, Vampire. I would like to ask you to state your purpose."

Alucard: "I'm the Abridged Alucard, and all... And I just learned that DIO destroyed my universe."

Vegeta: "W-W-Wait... Hold the fuck.

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